Monday, April 10, 2006


The thing about life is we get so wrapped up in it, that forget the basic truths of our beliefs, or we don't fully grasp them.

I had to realize this in the most unlikely places as God allowed me to comprehend the truth of it all.

No matter what we do in life, we still can't escape that Christ died for our sin, he suffered for our bad choice.

I think we need to realize this more, so we can begin to truely surrender everything we have for him.

Anyway I was inspired to write a song on this very subject as soon as I finished that conversation.

We wake up in the mornings, put on our pants.
We go through yet another day, indure the daily rants
But do we remember, why he died?
Do we hide our tears, or openly cry?

Everybody rushing, to and fro.
Never stoping, always stuck in go,
but do we realize all the pain,
he bore for us to hide our shame?

Jesus Christ paid the price
for all our sin, for all our lives
so from sin we truely could be free
Jesus Christ bled and died
upon the cross for all the lost
join in praising him for all eternity

He toiled for all our sin
Now for victory we win.


It's pretty straight forward, but the way I see it, is no matter how plainly it can be laid out, we tend to forget the fact that he did it for us.

That's a saviour... saving a wretch like me.



April said...

That is so true thanks for the song. It really got me thinking of my life and that I need to realize that Jesus died for my sins and still I contiune to sin. I really loved the song. Would you play it at refuge for me.
God Bless You

Ginger Ale said...

Praise The LORD!

jill said...

Praise the Lord! He is our victory! Check out Exodus 15:2(NLT).

Anonymous said...

awsome! I love ur new song brent! keep writing them

Inquistive sentiment said...

Hey brent! UPDATE!!! ^_^
<3 ya

Inquistive sentiment said...

Hey brent! UPDATE!!! ^_^
<3 ya