Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The world is never changing day in, day out
It's the same old story, week after week
World is often said to be going to hell
and the critics appear to be right
Children are dying in the streets
Hungry are starving no where to keep put feet
No body seems to care for the broken anymore
Now is the time for restoration

What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?

What would Jesus say?
If he saw the world today
What would Jesus do?
If he sat beside you there?

He'd get up and move

You sit there in your comfortable pews
I stand here declaring the truth
These are the steps to changing the world
Believe that these words are prophetically true
God is a god of mercy
But he’s also a God of grace
He’s given you talents and abilities to use
So what are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?

What would Jesus say?
If he saw the church today?
What would Jesus do?
If saw your heart in full
are you doing as you should

The truth of the fact remains
That he sees it anyway
And he wants it all to change
So what are you waiting for?

Get up and move


Ginger Ale said...

Hey brent.
God has blessed you with so many gifts, keep uing them. May God bless you!
And thanks so much for taking time to teach me drums, you'rea good friend.

April said...

Great blog. It has been along time since you have blogged. I really enjoy your blogs keep them coming