Thursday, December 07, 2006


"Questions change people. They unlock secrets and dreams that lie hidden in the heart."

Through his questions, Jesus inspired people to recieve healing, confront struggles, and expose secrets that they didn't even know they needed, had or had kept.

I've been reading a book that has about 600 eye opening questions and been going through asking people them as I evangelise daily.

Some are pretty practical that get you to know more about the person that your speaking to like...

If you could visit any place~real or imaginary~where would you go?

If you could meet any character in any book, whom would you meet?

If you could be any age, how old would you be and why?

I'm really enjoying the book, and some of these questions are so good, I'm going to give you a few more to just ponder about... or you can leave your comments, theres going to be quite a few, so you can comment more than once.

If you only lived to be 30, what would you hope to have accomplished (or if your already or older, what did you hope to accomplish)?

What was the hardest thing you ever had to apologize for?

If you had to spend 10 years of your life in jail, which 10 years of your life would you choose and why?

If you could choose dying with your best friend and dying alone, which would you choose?

If your plane was about to crash, but you had about 5 minutes to write a note, what would you write? Who would you write it to?

Of all your family members, whose death would affect you the most?

If you could change one about your physical appearance, what one thing would you change?

What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?

If you could ask God any question, what question would you ask?

Who is the best example of a Christian that you know and why?

In your opinion, what is the biggest obstacle that keeps people from believing in God?

If God agreed to do one thing to prove he exists, what would you want him to do?

If Jesus went to your school, what one group would he hang out with the most?

If God is good, why does he allow pain and suffering in the world?

If Jesus wanted to hang out with you this Friday night, where would you take him?

If there's only one God, why do you suppose there are so many religions?

What parts of the bible do you have the hardest time believing?

If someone were dying and asked you how to know God, what would you tell that person?

Do you think God is happy with the way he is represented in the world?

If you had one minute on national tv to say something about God, what would you say?

If Jesus were to follow you around one day, is there anything you'd differently?

Do you believe it's acceptable to watch R-rated movies?

Do you believe there's music Christians shouldn't listen to? If so, what music? What about TV? If so, what shows?

Do you believe it's okay for Christians to have guns in their homes? Why or why not?

Is it okay for Christians to drink if they're of age? Why or why not?

How would you define racism? Is it still a problem today?

Do you believe a Christian can be a homosexual? Why or why not?

Is abortion ever ok? If so, when?


Those are just a few...

A'ight bloggers,

-Brent Out

1 comment:

Ashley said...

If you could choose dying with your best friend and dying alone, which would you choose?

dying alone. i need you to live on and spread the word double as hard<3