Friday, January 19, 2007

Following a yellow brick road.

This week has been tough for me. Not only is the first school semester coming to an end, but also that I've realized that society really doesn't expect much from people.

I was in a play this week, A wizard of Oz production set in a high school setting called 'Oz High', and as I played a metal head rocker Tim, the Tinman... I enjoyed every laugh from every audience member I recieved. I took my role, added my own quirks and said my lines in a manner that I knew would get laughs out of even the most depressed people in the audience. Applause at a theatre is almost required in our day and age, ovations are not. To get people to really look at you, you need to go beyond the average. I realized the other day, that society is much like that.

My highschool year is coming to an end and I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do for a career. Part of me doesn't see the point in having one. I mean a career for the sake that people say you need one to do well, doesn't seem like a just cause to break my limbs to obtain.

I'm not saying I'm lazy, even though alot of me is most of the time, I'm saying that I'm at a crossroads and I have a lot of decisions to make in a short time. That's the stress society forces on us, even though I have my whole life ahead of me and in realistic sense, tons of time to think things through.

The bible brings up a very good example of how we should lead our lives, and that is the example of Jesus, but that golden standard is realistic terms is impossible to follow. I'm pretty glad my version of realism and God's version aren't the same. Anyways, my goal now is to keep follow my yellow brick road, and I'll hopefully end up back home again when my story ends.


--> I just realized the Wizard of Oz has alot of Christian symbolism.

1 comment:

Haven Bartton said...

I wouldn't sweat it too much about a career. I think the best careers are the ones that kind of fall into our laps. At least earlier in life. You'll have plenty of time to "choose" you career later. In the meantime just do what you like doing and find a way to get paid!

Easier said than done I guess tho.