Sunday, February 25, 2007


Hey all, it's been awhile eh?

Well, recently our church went up to Vernon for a ski-trip.
I went tubbing and skating...

the pics our on the youth site which you should all check out, cuz well, I made it!


anyways here are the pics

As for me, I'm doing this 40 days of lent thing with our youth group. It's actually pretty neat, we got a pamphlet for 40 days of scripture and little action tidbits to do daily. I'm going to put some discipline into this and stick with it.
I'm having problems coming up with something to give up for LENT... if you guys have ideas that'd be neat... I could give up wearing a shirt... but you know, that might not sit well....

Any idea would be cool.

1 comment:

lux said...

great to read a blog from you again.
As for what to give up,
junk food,
what ever you spend the most money on regularly
lunch (like fast one whole meal a day for the 40 days)
there are a lot of different things that you could do, they are just a few options to help you choose or to start you thinking

Love ya