Thursday, March 22, 2007

RAW '07

This year of RAW I was blessed enough to attend for free.
Also I was able to bring along my girlfriend Jessica as well. Kinda signed her up against her will, and when I say kinda I mean, most definitly.

You see she was planning on attending VFS(Vancouver Film School) to learn more about filming, because that is her gifting. However she was crushed when it was cancelled. I had told her about RAW, and she asked if she could still go, last minute. Jon was willing to let her come for free, and film RAW, so I signed her up, then told her about it.
*GUYS* Learn from my mistake, never do this, always ask your girlfriend if she still wants to go. Anyway, she was forced, although my argument, is that she wouldn't have asked if she didn't want to go.

Man, 614's organizational skills are chaotic. We get there, we don't know who's cell were in, what are missions will be, how were getting to cariboo, yet god made it all happen.

We did missions, and Jessica got to film lots, but that's not the important stuff that I got from RAW.

I did learn, that if I truely want my church to evangelise I need to do it. Don't wait for them to do it, show them how it's done. So I have an action plan for the community, school, and my home on how to evangelise.

The main thing I got to see at RAW didn't even involve me, it was concerning my girl.

Jessica, accepts Jesus into her life. Ya it was done before, but I think she fell from the path a little and never came back. But she recommited to God, something I've prayed for since I've been dating her. It was totally awesome. Because before that, all the worship at RAW I was distracted by her, and whether or not she was involved. The one time I fully surrender to Christ 100%, commit to full worship, kneel and weep to my God, she comes over to comfort me. As I kneel there, surrendering to God in full for the first time in my life(which is a totally different story) she says in prayer "Me too, I want you to be a part of my life."

Understanding that this is the same person who is afraid to pray outloud, and was struggling understanding this whole Christian thing. It wasn't just a verbal thing either, I could see from that point, through her worship, her heart, and her new wisdom, that the change has really happened. She is freed from her past, her flesh. I have never seen this kind of change in a person so personal to my life. It's amazing.

I could talk about this all night, but my computer is lagging as I type. So I'm going to update this later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallejuah!!!! May God bless your lives with purity and a fullness found in seeking Him and His will for your lives!