Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas YAY ^_^


Yeah, Christmas is over; I don't know about you all out there in blogging land but Christmas time is becoming less and less exciting and more and more stressful.

BAH HUMBUG is an understandment of my Christmas season. There is the pressure of getting people presents, the stress of my family deciding what to do for Christmas, the stress of my mom, being my mom times 11 because it's Christmas.

But enough about complaining; my Christmas was turning to be disappointing until my beautiful lovely better half decided to hang out with me for Christmas. I was still disappointed to a point; but the fact that I had someone I could talk to, someone I could hold was really relieving to me. It reminds me about the access we have to Jesus through his spirit; how when in trouble we can always find our father ready to embrace us in his arms and to cheer us up. Or other times to push us forward to meet our goal. Like when we lose our cell phones and want to give up looking when you are driven to continue looking for it and eventually discouvering it in the snow.

Maybe this makes completely no sense, but to me it is insightful. Or not... bleh whatever.

Ok, your turn Jessica..


Christmas this year taught me a few things.
1) 6 hours a day of kettles is too much.
2) I'm way to unorganized.
3) I focus on silly things too much.

This was not a normal Christmas for me. I didn't get to do any of my usual Christmas time traditions, spend any time with my mom and sister before hand, or really, prepare for Christmas is any way.
I only got a few gifts for a few select people. One of which, hasn't even come in yet. I can't wait until Brent's present gets here. He's going to love it.

Christmas carols had a whole new meaning to me this year.. The one they are supposed to have. Last year I understood maybe a little bit about it.. But this year, I got a lot more of the actual meaning out of them. Singing 2nd, 3rd, and 4th verses to songs I thought only had one verse, understanding the idea of "round yon virgin mother and child, holy infant so tender and mild" and so on. It made kettle shifts more interesting. Up until Christmas day I could focus on that, but on Christmas eve and Christmas day I got distracted and focused on the old meaning of Christmas for me. Family, feasting, and presents.

It was cool to have Brent around for Christmas, 'cause, he's a kinda cool guy.
And by that, I mean it was probably my best Christmas yet.

Sorry about my gramatical/spelling errors Brent, I know you'll point them ALL out to me later.

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