Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Faith in Healing

So recently a girl at my school, her name is Becky (short for Rebecca) came to gym class one afternoon with a injured ankle.

I asked God when I saw her in the morning (the first time I noticed she was using crutches) and I asked God if I was the one who could heal her. He said sure, but that he was going to use this to build my faith. Well basically because God knows my faith in healing is very doubtful. I don't even know why.

Anyway, he gave me clear prophetic instruction on how to accomplish his will.

That day I had to ask Becky if I could pray for ankle.
Then in three days if I continued to pray daily for her ankle on the third day it would be completly healed.

Well so I asked her if I could that very day in gym class, she was hesitate but said I could, anyway so I prayed over her, and she really didn't know how to react so I left it at that.

The next day, I saw her with her usual friends and I prayed silently in my head that her ankle would be healed.

I continued doing this every time I saw her..

On day two when I saw her, she wasn't using crutches anymore, I filled with Joy was really excited, she was still limping but I knew God was doing his part.

On the last day, I didn't see her in the morning, but I remember the prophecy and that day, when I saw her gym class, she was walking fine. No limp nothing.

I'm glad that God allowed my faith in his power of healing to grow through this miracle.

Don't be afraid to ask God to build your faith.



Ashley said...

i love that.

Christine said...

Thats awesome! PTL!

Ginger Ale said...

That's amazing!! Praise the LORD for you Brent!