Saturday, September 02, 2006

New School Year

Well it's that time of year again, when everyone is going off back to school (Well not everyone, but a lot of people my age that's for sure) and your probably wondering "Brent, what are your plans for your last year of highschool?" among other questions such as "Brent, what is some advice for being a Christian in your school?" or my favorite "Brent, what are some things I should do in order to make this year at school a success".

Well your in luck because this blog is dedicated to all you school-goers alike. But first, a look at last year.

Well last year was a good year for me, it opened my eyes to see that a vision can actually shape others around you. Most of you know God planned for me to start a Cell-group in my school, so I took him right up on his offer, and at first it had some good results. Evendently do to my egotiscal controlling like personality it soon had some bad results due to the fact that Jesus was still teaching about leadership. Still it was a year to open my eyes to see what doesn't work in Cell Group formats. That is, doing it alone, will have you end up taking it alone. I lost God's direction and went ways off from what he had in mind. But at least I did make a few new friends and learn a lot along the way.

It was also a year of good disciplining from Cory, a great end to XLR:8 and probably the thing that impacted my life the most; the year in which I took upon the Battle School Program. I've been shaped in so many ways it's almost hard to recognize me anymore. At the start of the year I had good understanding of what a servant was, and how to serve God whole-heartily but God wasn't done with me there. I've had my gifts of evangelism, prophecy, and leadership go through intensive toning. God's plans for me have been way more wide and almost hard to grasp, and I've only been looking at the narrow version I had figured out.

The one thing I did pick up that I find has shaped my views of God; is the intimate relationship he longs for with us. I've learned how to overcome the flesh with spirit, how to listen to God's voice in all circumstances, and to shut-up when I want to say something and to speak what God wants to say instead (very hard lesson, I'm still trying to master).

Now then onto this year of School... hooray!

What are my plans for this year of School?
Nothing other than rely on God and his guidance this year. I'll only do what he tells me and follow as he says. What that looks like is still being revealed to me, but I do know I get to put into practice daily evangelism (ie. Like making friends in the hallway, like talking about Jesus in every circumstance, not holding back anything due to the fears of the world... etc. I actually can't think of anything right now, it'll be a difference experience daily.) I am probably going to get a few good friends in my school together at lunch for a small cell group, where we look at the bible intensely and a place where you can bring your friends. I really want to look at concrete footings for Christianity. I find too often we forget who Jesus was, what he did, why he did it, how he did it, and pretty much the basis of the early Christian church; figure out what it means to love in pratical ways. But that's an idea, I'll pretty much go as the spirit leads. I am taking guitar class, and history, chemistry, and english. Not sure about taking Math or not. Drama, web design and going to be changed Portfolio class (Praise the Lord).

What's my advice for being a Christian in your school?
Be who God created you to be, and follow his direction. Pretty much if you do that, you'll go far.
Practical ways? Don't conform, uphold your school rules, pretty much be like Jesus. If you wanna do extreme things... how about, mmm buy your whole first class candy bars, go early and put them on everyone's desk and attach like a Jesus loves you note... or something. My idea was sell all your possesions including your clothes, and only buy like two pairs of pants, two shirts, two pairs of socks, one pair of runners. Give all your other clothes to charity or something. Who knows, the list is limitless with Jesus; Even sitting down with a person you've never met and talking to the whole lunch period is pretty extreme. If you Be who God created you to be, and follow his direction; everything else will fall in line.

Making your school-year a success:
TOP TEN THINGS IMP You Should do to make your School-Year a successful one.

1) Make one new friend and have a strong relationship with them
2) Know all your peers in all your classes
3) Buy a Hampster for your science class as a "pet"... if there is some rule against it, then ask for the rule to be enulled, if that fails, buy one and put it in your locker.
4) Start or join a ministry in your school
5) If you don't have one; get a mentor, if you do; take on a disciple
6) Read your bible for 5 minutes a day
7) Spend 30 minutes in prayer a day
8) Eat at least 5 chocolate bars, everyone loves chocolate
9) Excersise at least 5 chocolate bar lengths a day (what that even means, I have no clue)
10) Come up with a list of things you'd like to do yourself.

Praise the Lord,



Ginger Ale said...

Sounds good.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a plan!

Ashley said...

"I find too often we forget who Jesus was"

I find too often we forget who jesus is.