Thursday, September 28, 2006

Successful life?

What is a successful life?
The world tells us it's 'being all that you can be', that you are 'unique'; and they are right in the fact you are unique, but how come the lobbyist of any company tries to convince you that you need to be like everyone else; to purchase and consume as much as you possible can, in fact more than anyone else; in their eyes having more than everyone is unique and successful.

What's the truth though? Well you can't be successful in those circumstances, you are fordoomed to failure. For you can never have enough, there is someone always out there who has more, or is better in some way. It's a never ending cycle, you won't find success in the eyes of the world, at least not more than the typical 15-minutes of fame.

So then how do you live a successful life? Well here's some more truth, from the beginning of our life we have been destined to end up 'failures' because no matter how far we get in life the end result is that it will all end, that there will be a point to where we won't be successful of inhabiting this earth.

So what then? Well if you understand those truth then let me convey another truth your way, God is real. To facade around the idea that you are alive by some random chance in the universe is almost some plain insanity. The fact is God has created you to have a successful life.

But wait, didn't I already say we were destined to fail? Yet God created us to have a successful life? That doesn't make sense right? It's true, living a life that results in failure does seem pointless right? Well even though God created us to live a successful life, we can't do that alone. Why you might ask? Because of our sinful desires. I have them, you have them, we all have. From birth we have had them, as soon as we come out of the womb we are already crying for attention, trying to acheive a successful life (at least get 15-minutes of attention from Mommy and Daddy), but it's sinful desire to do it on our own, is what will end up in failure. The only way for us to even come close to a life of success is to follow the man who gave the perfect example of a successful life. Jesus Christ.

Not only was the guy successful in his life, he is successful even after his life on earth. Who is talked about more, Adolf Hitler( a radical man who affected the world entirely with his selfish attempts at success in his eyes; in the early 1900's... the not too long ago period) or Jesus, the guy who even are calendar is based off of. He had some much of a influence we even based our timeline off the guy. How successful is that?

But really he was successful because he was truely and ultimately the perfect example of how we need to live if we want this success.

Here's the kicker as well, not only does Jesus live the successful path, he dies in it as well, and makes our path of ultimate failure have a road to hope. He can make our lives a success, a life that does not go down the roads of failure but instead ends at a successful everlasting destination.

How's that for success, even succeeding over death. Jesus did it, he conquered the grave. He gives us hope and a guide to how to live a successful life.

Thank you Jesus for all you have done. Praise the Lord.


Anonymous said...

G'day, how you going, You are an awesome child of the Living God.
miss ya,
lov lisa BSS

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

Love you Lisa,
I'm doing great still learning lots about evangelism.

Anonymous said...

i have missed reading your blogs of late, how ya doing?
you are loved so much, by Christ, keep your eyes focused on him, and allow yourself time to just rest in Christ, it is awesome, (i am still learning this, but when i do take the time to rest in Christ it is awesome). Say G'day to anyone that i know that you see,
again you are awesome in Christ, Keep fight alongside Christ and never try to fight in your own strength,
Lov ya,
Lisa, BSS