Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Commitment, and going to far

Being a servant is enlightening, but I find evangelism one of my most difficult tasks to carry out on a daily basis. I'm worried that my quest to open the eyes of the nations will interfere with my quest to build relationships with those around me. Is the goal to win people to Jesus? Or is it to be a friend to those in need? Of course both go hand in hand, but sometimes you have to choose between them.

I was sitting on the bus, and a man was curteous to allow me to sit next to him. I don't get the chance to speak to alot of elderly people on the bus, so I decided to try and make a new friend. Long story short, he wasn't the talking type, at least not in a crowded smelly bus atmosphere. I didn't even get to learn his name to interceed for him, sigh*. I worried, that my quest to make a new friend turned him off from me as a Christian. For those who aren't aware I'm now wearing my uniform at school, and everywhere, pretty much, at least the tunic jacket to distiguish me amongst others. Anyways, wearing that jacket makes me very self aware of my actions, and I have to be constantly on guard to not turn to my flesh for answers on what to speak or do next. It's cool, try it, you never know it might work for you.

On the way home, off the bus, I saw this guy, whom was carrying a recycling bin(the whole thing, not just like a small one, but the big blue park bin ones) on the back of his bike, and he stopped to talk to me(maybe noticing my uniform, or not, I don't know). I was going to offer to help him with his stuff up the hill, but I noticed a dismantled bike in the back of the bin, and I was contimplating if it was a good thing to do to help someone transport what appeared to be, stolen goods. He asked me for a light... I didn't have one, other than Jesus who was shining through me, and he was on his way. I was still thinking about whether or not I did the right thing, and I'm waiting for God's response on the matter.

Maybe he'll speak through your thoughts about this post so far, sheesh I love it when he does that.

mmm... that's about it for my day. I felt more convicted to post on here with my thoughts about my day, or just an update to let all you, my wonderful supporting readers in on the exciting life of Brent White. So you'll probably see more posts like these, the poorly written, not proof read ones, that are quite simple.

ANyways, keep me in your prayers.


“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”- Colossians 3:15

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Just some notes for myself

John 9

Religious Leader Talk

Church experiences- Hallway church?

Apologizing to friends whom I've not been a good friend too

Making friends with kids in all my classes

10 minutes to find and memorize one scripture

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Not helping

Ok sorry too all those who are like... what happened Brent you used to be so cool, posting like once every two weeks...

I'm not helping much by switching my blog template to incorperate Java script and flash..

The changes will be coming soon, and my blog will be down for like two days... but this won't happen for like a week, I just wanted to basically draw your attention to this, so when it is done you all notice it and are like "dang... Brent's blog looks cooler than usual"

The Uniform prevails again.

Alright this is actually a post about what happened to me on SundayNovember 12th 2006. But I had an interesting conversation with a bunch of people in the past day or so that have prolonged me from actually updating my long-over due blog.

Haha I'm back..





So on Sunday I decided to wear my uniform but my alarm didn't wake me up at my desired time so I woke up and... bleh COLD WATER in the showers, so no... I decided I'm not going to take a shower. But I still said I was going to wear my uniform... what to do what to do... I know! I wear my tunic jacket with regular clothes on to not get my unclean skin to rub up against my nice clean uniform and make have to clean all of it when I get home... anyways, I do the same when I'm out and about anyways so, this won't make a difference right? Apparently it does. Apparently it's "disrepecting the uniform"... well people are intitled to their opinions, but Christ is about love and love is about compromising your own opinions to respect others, so I decided to take off my jacket like some asked me to and went about my normal sunday buisness. No harm no foil.

ANyways, that day me and my sis were going to see a movie with Ami because that day was her birthday, I bought her a Teenage mutant ninja turtle costume to wear the whole day, but she refused to wear it... why I asked? She didn't have an answer... fun wrecker... ANyways movie had to be watched at 7:00pm... sigh... so I cancelled my Cariboo Plans... Sorry Darren Hails...
and finished it about 9:00pm... took the skytrain home ^_^ YAY!

On the way home a man and his wife were harassing this girl on the train, so the spirit within noticed that she was uncomfortable so I drew their attention away by talking to them, they came over and I chatted up the drunk couple, about bicycles recently purchased for $50, where they were heading too, why Nanimo is on Vancouver Island and not the mainland, but the conversation turned for the better, when the man noticed I was wearing a Salvation Army Uniform Jacket. YAY for Jesus telling me to put that on in the morning. Anyways, after talking about Creationism, Jesus, Sin and it's redemption, and how my testimony works to point out that I was just like him, they had to switch to the expo line at Columbia... sigh... no salvation. But here's praying.

Anyway, just goes to show you that even though the uniform deserves the respect of being worn in full the evangelistic power of it can still be in good use when only worn in part.

Praise the Lord.
