Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Commitment, and going to far

Being a servant is enlightening, but I find evangelism one of my most difficult tasks to carry out on a daily basis. I'm worried that my quest to open the eyes of the nations will interfere with my quest to build relationships with those around me. Is the goal to win people to Jesus? Or is it to be a friend to those in need? Of course both go hand in hand, but sometimes you have to choose between them.

I was sitting on the bus, and a man was curteous to allow me to sit next to him. I don't get the chance to speak to alot of elderly people on the bus, so I decided to try and make a new friend. Long story short, he wasn't the talking type, at least not in a crowded smelly bus atmosphere. I didn't even get to learn his name to interceed for him, sigh*. I worried, that my quest to make a new friend turned him off from me as a Christian. For those who aren't aware I'm now wearing my uniform at school, and everywhere, pretty much, at least the tunic jacket to distiguish me amongst others. Anyways, wearing that jacket makes me very self aware of my actions, and I have to be constantly on guard to not turn to my flesh for answers on what to speak or do next. It's cool, try it, you never know it might work for you.

On the way home, off the bus, I saw this guy, whom was carrying a recycling bin(the whole thing, not just like a small one, but the big blue park bin ones) on the back of his bike, and he stopped to talk to me(maybe noticing my uniform, or not, I don't know). I was going to offer to help him with his stuff up the hill, but I noticed a dismantled bike in the back of the bin, and I was contimplating if it was a good thing to do to help someone transport what appeared to be, stolen goods. He asked me for a light... I didn't have one, other than Jesus who was shining through me, and he was on his way. I was still thinking about whether or not I did the right thing, and I'm waiting for God's response on the matter.

Maybe he'll speak through your thoughts about this post so far, sheesh I love it when he does that.

mmm... that's about it for my day. I felt more convicted to post on here with my thoughts about my day, or just an update to let all you, my wonderful supporting readers in on the exciting life of Brent White. So you'll probably see more posts like these, the poorly written, not proof read ones, that are quite simple.

ANyways, keep me in your prayers.


“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”- Colossians 3:15

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Brent, I think that you are on the right track with the uniform... I can see how it would make you self aware of how you act, As much as I see it as a evanglism tool, I also think that it can draw ppl away too. Some ppl are turned off by what the church does so some people will avoid ppl who are are labled with the church. I think that we must become friends with them then when they notice the difference in how we act then they will be able to ask us. I am not saying that the uniform is bad, it just wont draw in all people.
So keep up the good fight Brent, you are doing a great Job, and remember... Jesus loves you! And he will work thru you.