Saturday, April 05, 2008

Perfecting One's Public Life

Scripture: "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."
-Colossians 4:5-6/NIV

Observation: Context: Paul before this gives reference to the importance of personal prayer life, than discusses instructions for our actions towards "outsiders." Outsiders here in the King James is phrased as "those that are without," the original Greek meaning away or strayed.
Wisdom is reference to spiritual wisdom or maturity; while we see that "making the most" is actually phrased as "redeeming the time"- time implying infinite or "at all times". Conversation is bigger in the sense that it means "your manner of speech."

Application: We are to not to just know how to act around others, but we are to act in a manner of wisdom; weigh the outcome of our actions at all time. Using all opportunities in our daily regiment to the furthering of the kingdom. Yes, we are suppose to evangelize to others, and love our neighbor, but Paul strains that this should be our priority every time we open our mouths or act around anyone, especially those who are without Christ. The Gospel of Christ through our lives is the first people will ever see before they read anything ever written in the Bible. Remaining graceful and seasoned with salt is essential, but that requires personal and individual desire to grow, and acting out in that mannerism. As Paul mentioned earlier, we should be praying continuously, wanting the church to understand, prayer is not a luxury but is essential for growth. How can we expect to be seasoned with salt if we jump out of the salt shaker? Our personal growth will flow over into our public life, but we need to still strive and follow the instructions Paul gives us while acting around others. Are we as Christians making the use of every situation to further the kingdom?

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