Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Practice makes perfect

Scripture: "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me -- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."
Philippians 4:9/NIV

Observation: Context- Paul Spurring Phillipi to do what he's instructed and what he left them with when he began that church.

Application: Even though Paul is saying this to the church of Phillipi; imagine the context towards us from Christ. Whatever we learn about him, teach it; whatever we receive, use it; what ever we hear, testify to it; whatever we see in him, strive for that ourselves.

Imagine if we put that mentality in our minds. Spiritual leaders are essential to our Christian life-style. Look for Christ like attitudes in people, and mimic that. Read the scriptures concerning Jesus and his ministry, and apply that to your own life. Imagine yourself sent out personally as a disciple of Christ to do his work.

Well the truth of the matter is, we are called to as Christians, to be imitators of Christ.

But if we do what God has shown us, what we learn, and apply it, we are promised peace.

That's worth the effort? (Plus, you know, eternal glory... that's cool too)

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