Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Be Ready

It's a large part of Jesus' teachings. I was reading Luke 12 today when I finally got out of my stubborn laziness and sat down and did my rations to the sound of "Fire Fall Down" by Hillsong United.

What stuck out to me was the parable Jesus taught of interpreting the signs of this age, and how they point towards Jesus' resurrection. What I got confused on was when he said:
"Why can't you decide for yourselves what is right? When you are on the way to court with your accuser, try to settle the matter before you get there. Otherwise, your accuser may drag you before the judge, who will hand you over to the officer, who will throw you into prison. And if that happens, you won't be free until you won't be free, until you have paid the very last penny."

Then looking at it in context it all came together. Jesus wasn't only literally talking about how to settle grivences with one another before we take it to the court, he was also referring to our crime against God. The sin in our lives that we will be guilty of unless we settle the grievence here on earth before the day of judgement.

Then once I had that revealed to me the whole chapter made sense, I knew why Jesus told us to fear God and not man or death, I knew why Jesus pointed out we need to acknowledge him, I knew why he told us to not to store up earthy goods but lose our relationship with God. It all made sense. These were guides on how to live the like the servant who is dressed and has kept his lamp burning.

All I got to say is I've learnt I needed to settle my grievences with God before the day of judgement comes so now I can be ready all the time for my master's return.


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