Saturday, August 12, 2006

My Battle School Synopsis

To say Battle School was a while new experience for me would be like saying the 700 dollars to get there was easy to obtain.

But the difference between a mission trip to the DTES and living an incarnational ministry out for 6 weeks is contrast of large proportions to say the least.

First theirs living in community with your fellow Battle Schooler's, and mine were the "cream-of the-crop".

First there's Jordan, who's stubborn attitude and perfectionism ideally suited a lot of the situations we faced living together in the apartments. Not to mention she is soft hearted, has a tight fatherly relationship with God, and her freedom in worship can encourage you to keep on trucking till you bleed.

Then comes Chris, this guy can make you smile as soon as he opens his mouth, and then about in 5 seconds make you want to hit him so he stops talking about your mother. This guy can serve, I would have to honestly say I've never seen him complain while given an instruction or task, something that encourages me a lot and a aspect that I need to have while I serve. His willingness to follow along with anyone in the group is another crucial character trait that makes him awesome. This guy will do anything with anyone, and not give a second shake on the subject.

Finally there is Ed Bell. Enough said.

Honestly though, that kid is like the squirrel from "Hoodwinked" on 5 cups of coffee. He has more energy (when he gets out of his "morning phase") than all the electricity on this planet put together. Ed's able to talk to anyone without a fear in the world. Now he is usually picking fights with them in the conversation eventually, but still loving them with the same love Jesus would give. I think.

Next I'll talk about the people who discipled into my experience during Battle School.

Jeni was always trying to wake us up in the morning, to get us roaring for the rest of our exciting day. She loves God passionately more than I love monkeys, and her experience with him as a healer and comforter really showed in her classes as she caused us to lay things aside that distracted us from the real reason we were at Battle School. To love God and to Love others.
We went through the experience of "fun" workbooks but her attitude while teaching is what brightened your day up and made you want to actually "play" with the kids at Oppenheimer instead of just watching them.

Let's move onto Danielle. This lady classes I found were the most upbeat for our group. Comfortable couches, movies as homework, questions that made you think. Man my type of class. Her knowledge of God and experience with leadership opened my eyes to a whole new playing field of what it really meant to lead. Her ability to be humble with who she is and where God has placed her in her life inspires me to go deeper in finding a firm "character" of who I am as not only a leader but every aspect of my life. Plus, as I meationed earlier, we watched movies as homework. How sweet is that?

Then there was Stephen Court. His classes were like taking a test, long, annoying, agitating, and you left feeling relieved that it was finally over, until the next test. Steve was very in our face about everything. Especially when he switched from teaching us "Inner city Mission/Ministry" to just plain old Evangelism. It's not like his classes were hard, it's just his "fun-loving" character he brought to each one of them that made them so exciting. I did get to learn about the Bridge finally, and sharing the Gospel is now as easy for me as 2 minutes, a napkin, and a pen. I think the best part of his classes were the homework assignments, where you had no idea what the question was, so when you came to class, you hoped you did it right. Yay fun!

Lisa, Andrew MacDonald, Jenea and Aaron White were great influences as well. Lisa managed the group and kept us focused, as well as just kept us from killing each other the whole 6 weeks. Andy was like the pal for me out of the whole 614 group there, as soon as I met him we had the weirdest relationship ever, that if you were an atheist you'd be like "Dude, your touching his butt".. on the other hand, it really doesn't matter what your stance on faith is for that.

Umm, moving along. Jenea and Aaron were awesome with us getting us hooked up with UGM and chilling with the kids at Oppenheimer. Both knew how to assign tasks, and then once all the work was assigned go and relax... I mean find something to occupy themselves. They were great to have us motivated there and were the backbone to why Oppenheimer was exciting.

Jacynta, did you think I'd forget you? Well I did, so tough love... I'll blog about you some other time. :P

Then of course there is Jonathan Evans, who influenced my Battle School experience, about as much as the Queen influences Canada's government. But really, without Jon we wouldn't even be here, so I have to give him major props for having a very successful impact on my life with the organization of this past 6 weeks. He gave out bonus blessing when we deserved them, he encouraged us during pray the bible, he took the credit for all the hard work we did with all the places we helped. You know he was just a great role model for us.

Ok now that the personal attacks are over, and I have about 20 less friends then I did two days ago..

I have to say the whole 614 community was awesome, from Steve Bell, to Becs, to Kathleen and Katie. Don't worry (Wes, Crystal, Lindsey, Sean, Matthew Champ, Dallas, Tara, Darren, Rebecca, Ashley, and anyone else I might I missed) I didn't forget you. You guys rocked!

My experience overall was tiring. I was poured out spiritually, emotionally and physically during this six weeks, and God just emptied me out. He also poured a lot into me. Ultimately, I finally understand that he has been making me into that new wine skin so that the new wine and the skin both can be preserved.

I've had to learn sacrifice, true love, what to take home with me, character, a true grasp of intimacy, a new desire for worship, I stronger passion for service and prophesy, no longer a fear of man especially when it comes to encouragement. I'll be talking specifics in other post through-out this week so stay posted.

All in all, I'm never going to forget this six weeks, and it's a start to a whole new side of Brent the world has never seen.

I don't think their ready for it, but Jesus is going full throttle anyway.. So look out.

I just want to thank you guys for all your prayer, all your support, and especially your love.


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