Monday, November 14, 2005

Write a blog about Ashley Mayer week.

Guess what? It is write a blog about Ashley week starting now!

Sweet, great timing that I was at my computer. Anyway Here is my blog about Ashley Mayer.

Ashley Mayer:

My my, there has been no one in my life that has impacted my life more than Ashley Mayer has in the last year. That is of course, anyone but Jesus, he's a life changer you know. I didn't know Ashley Mayer too well until about January this year, go figure. No really, I'm dead honest. I didn't have a very strong friendship with her until then, just ask her. Anyway. This girl literally changed my life around, for the better. I have seen so much growth in this girl, it inspired me to have a stronger relationship with God myself, and it still inspires me. She is so commited to Christ, everytime I see her, I see Christ through her. It's awesome. She is always been there in the last year, to listen to all the inane rantings about my day, and the complaints of life, and yet has a Christ like attitude towards me and helps me through them all. I could seriously trust Ashley Mayer with my life, I'm that safe with her. I had feelings for her, I will admit to that, God she is beautiful and her attitude, definitly the kind of person I would marry, but those feelings, well they were temporary and they kinda got in the way of our relationship. Ever since the 40 days of purpose, I've learned to listen more to what others have to say, and man am I glad, because Ashley Mayer has said some prophetic words that have really encouraged me. Man our friendship sure has grown very strong. I really feel comfortable telling her things I wouldn't even tell anyone else.

I have a closer relationship with Ashley Mayer than I do Karyn Baker. Sorry Karyn but honestly it's true. I would do anything to have Ashley Mayer smile, her hapiness always brightens up my day, no matter how crappy it is.

Honestly this girl is just so passionate about God. Her listening ability eludes me. I don't know, it has to be a gift from God, that she can just give the advice she has given me.

She is always supporting me too. I mean if I'm trying something new, I can go and talk to her, and she will give me encouragement to stay at it. For example the group at the school. Who do you think I told first about it? I told Ashley Mayer. She was really excited about it, and her excitement got me excited, and now LEAP ( Leader's Evangelising to All People) is a spark of God in our school.

Man, I thank God alot for putting Ashley Mayer in my life. I wouldn't be the same without her. This girl is just so interesting, I just love hearing her speak, like about anything. Like for example I love it when she talks about cats, I don't even love cats as much as I do sheep, and yet, I love hearing about her days spent with her kitty, or her talks with God, or the problems she is having, because I just really love this girl.

Well, I guess that is all I can say about Ashley Mayer before I go to bed. If I think of more I'll post it.



Ashley said...

Ashley Mayer is incredibly flattered by what you had to say about her. Wow...


Ashley said...

PS- Xena says that she thinks the portrait of her is absolutely wonderful and thanks you many times over for capturing her beauty in the picture.

Karyn Baker said...

I love Ashley Mayer!! (Plus when she talks about herself in the third person it's kind of cool....)

Ashley said...

yeah, ashley thinks its kind of cool too:)