Thursday, August 17, 2006

Beach Day

I had a reunion with some of my "distant" relatives at the beach today. We met up at White Pine Beach, which is a lovely beach about 35 minutes from our house. When we arrived it was nearly empty and breezy. When I say empty I mean, on our side of the beach (their are actually two beachs on the coast of the lake we were on) there were about 50 people or less. Which is like no one compared to the like 300 people packed on a small space of land like the last time I recently went.

Anyway, we met up with our relatives had a picnic. Discussed Battle School, and then because I was fairly bored, I wanted to toss a football my dad recently pulled out of his back-pack. Because none of my family wanted to, I went on search to make a new friend at the beach. The first kid I walked up to couldn't be older than six. I met him on a rock, and we said our hi's and how are you's, mostly with me asking him, and him giving me short answers. Then he was off, wearing his towel like superman to go into all sorts of 5 year-old adventures. Anyway, I was out of luck for making a new friend, so I sent off in the other direction to try and make a friend. I saw a man on a towel sitting by himself, so I went over to talk with the fellow. I said hi, and how are you, and he just was sitting there, responding much like the kid. Then he said "I don't want any company" so I said "Ok" and I was off. After that all I could see were kids swimming and people sun-bathing, so I returned to my family and eventually pursuaded my dad to play with me.

I was amazed how hard it was to make a new friend at the beach, compared to my six weeks at Battle School, where I probably made at least 150 new friends. Then I look back in my community, how no one smiles at each other, we all converse with our work colleges or peers and when we walk outside, we keep our heads down and don't speak to anyone we don't know.

I know children aren't suppose to talk to strangers, but grown adults are scared of a little social conversation? Come on.. something is terribly wrong with this generation. I should know, it wasn't so long ago that I would spend 8-12 hours in my basement playing computer games, and only talking to people on my msn buddy list. But if we are going to bring Jesus to the people of this world, it can't be done from our basement. You can argue me on this, but evangelism requires a one on one interaction between the person and Jesus within us.

Anyway, I really did have fun, I got to read alot more of Luke today, which I have to say is my favorite gospel now. I understand the parables alot better when I read Luke's version, and I find he has all the timbits I missed in the other Gospels.


1 comment:

Ginger Ale said...
