Sunday, August 13, 2006


A good one is crucial to leadership. Not just leadership either, every part of your life, good character will turn you from a "Christian" to the guy who people want to aspire to be.

Danielle Stricklen gave us a great class about character, and how it applies to leadership.

She gave a great analogy about a sailboat and its comparison to our lives.
All the parts of a sailboat are esscential to making it work. Most of the time people only see the part of the boat that is above the water, this is your gifts/abilities, which are esscential to making the boat go anywhere, but there is the bottom of our boats that people can't see that are also there so we don't sink. This is our character. People might not be able to see it up close, but it's still very crucial for a sailboat to have. Especially a strong, sturdy, good character. Our character is how we act in every situation, it's how we are in all circumstances, and it's what people are looking for in good leaders.

Your character needs to be one like Jesus, and often times our bottom of our boat needs alot of work. I noticed the one thing I lacked in my leadership was good character, and only recently have I learnt to be a servant leader, one who listens, encourages and helps the group instead of being an aggressive, selfish, egotistical know it all.

I still got lots of work to do, and I need you guys to hold me accountable and to help with with this part of my life. I believe we can't be two faced about who we are, and we have to be the same person we are to our friends, as we are to our enemies. That means a caring and loving person in all circumstances. Like for me it's serving even the people who tell me "how it's done" or encouraging those who just insulted me. It's reading my bible everyday, and asking questions to a trusted friend when I don't understand, other than letting my pride get in the way and being stubborn and refusing to ask.

How is your sailboat?


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