Thursday, July 21, 2005

Our Commitment.

Wow it has been long since I last wrote a blog.

Nothing happened much although, yesterday I got to go play drums with Karyn and crew, and apparently we are Dave's Followers ( creepy :S ).

That was like err, creepy too playing in front of people, and I now know, I can rest on slow slow songs, because, well I could do beats, but I never know when to be silent during those songs, so it might be better if I was just plain, quiet.

I wanted to stress the point of friendship that has been coming up, and I really enjoyed Karyn's email that I received this morning that continues the talk about friendship. How we are truly the only people that determine whether our relationship with god moves forward or not. For the past week or so, I think mine has been in reverse of me taking a step back from God, and focusing on world things. Whether it be addictions to things, or even fear from talking about what you've done wrong with him, god will always listen, and it is us that have to commit to talking and listening to him.

Maple Story is really fun, but I won't play it all today for two reasons, I was working part on my bible study earlier about the fruits of the spirit, and if someone could point out a verse about how sin is appealing to man and not god it would be great, and I'm going to profile either go for a walk or bike and talk with god, and if I'm biking hopefully I won't crash and get mailed by raccoons. <_< It could happen!

So really I just want people to STOP!

Look at your lives, are you making a commitment to further your relationship with god, or even start one for that matter? Or has Satan been using the worldy lures and have you snared in his hook of deception? I know for me it was number one until a it really just hit me this morning.

Wake up, make some lunch or whatever and have a good conversation with the head cheese upstairs.

And thats all I got to say about them apples.


1 comment:

Inquistive sentiment said...

I have been feeling that way too... I feel like ever since I started school I have been straying away from God because of the enviroment. The people there like to swear and the listen to bad music. That is a major temptation for me because I used to live like that...