Wednesday, July 27, 2005


A big word eh? Your probaly think, segre, who?

To me segregation is another of satanic arsenals to bring down our faith and the strength groups of people have.

Psalm 133

How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!

That verse is clearly speaking about the unity of the church but it can applied to the groups of the world that do not believe as well. When we are together we are strong, divided we will fall.

Segregation is the way of splitting apart a group into smaller parts isolating them apart.

The word "Part" appeared there a lot didn't it? But I thought I would meation the fact that part should be meationed, for we are tools of god are we not? When a carpenter works on a project he brings his tool box full of tools, not just one tool, he uses many.

Satan uses the division of segregation to his advantage, with the ideal that were better off doing things ourselves.

Once people become isolated it becomes easier and easier to pick them off.

A sniper does not kill many people in a crowd, only that he picks one target at a time, so that he can successfully get the job done, his gun is not built for groups. It is always more efficient to pick off the animal that strays from the group, because in a pack, gazelle are dangerous to a lion. If you chase two rabbits, you end up losing them both.

So Satan splits people of this world into groups. Not just Christians but everyone. List off stereotypical people in places such as school, the work place, and life. You got your old, young, work-a-holics, lazy people, goths, preps, skaters, stuck up, mellow, full of them selves, pushovers, accommodative, aggressors, and many more. You see how Satan has been able to push us off into groups instead of uniting into one, the body of Christ? Look at the Church, were so full of denominations there are too many to list or even count.

Once were alone, we tend to rely on ourselves or even our groups of friends, instead of god.

By doing this Satan has won.

I was looking at bible gateway for a verse about division, and in the topical ideas section, and there were no results. Obviously god does not want us to talk about division, only unity, or that Satan has won by never brining this to our attention.

Has Satan segregated your life to the point were your isolated from god?

Well that is what god wanted me to say this morning, and there is a HUGE SPIDER ON MY FOOT!
I'm running upstairs and not spellchecking.

1 comment:

Christine said...

eww Spider r u serious?? ick...

nice post!