Friday, July 29, 2005


I was sitting at my computer about what I should write about.

I've noticed all I have been talking about was God, instead of me, and what happens to Brent.

But that is really a selfish fact don't you think?

I think at the times I had something to write about, it was god typing through me, and the words came automatically.

But as I was thinking of a topic, things started to click together. I wanted to talk about forgetfulness, and now I know what to say, because it started through god made me type out in the beginning about talking about myself instead of what he wants said through me, so I'll get on with want he wants said.

Yes, it is times we think to ourselves instead of sharing with god, that flawed actions seep through. Remember how I said before about segregation being a tool of Satan. Well exploitation is another, and Satan exploits our weak spot in order to tempt us and make us fall into sin. My mother is distracting my line of thought and short term memory loss is making it lose altogether, so try to fill in anything that god tells you, that I missed.

It is when we stop thinking, talking, and worshipping with God that we fall into Satan's exploits.

Why do we stop though? I stop because most of the time, I well, Forget.

I lose focus of who god is, and what his plan for me is, and then selfishness, which is a weak point of mine, along with no patience ( hence me yelling at my mom, as I'm trying to type this blog), seep through me and instead of good fruit, rotten vile, sin filled, fruit is plucked, and eaten by the hungry.

A hungry man will eat anything even if it is not ripe, and this is why we MUST, bear good fruit.

In order to do so, we must NOT forget.

Deuteronomy 8:11
Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day.

We must keep a focus set on god, and what he wants done, or we are lost, strayed sheep from the heard, and easy picking for the wolf lurking, waiting for an easy prey.

Well I think that is it. Short lesson tonight eh?

And I'm going to have a new song in my profile to listen to, one of my favorite bands, Nightwish, a very poetic song writer, who's lyrics correlate with some parts of the bible as well as other sources. Besides, metal with a mix of Opera just sounds good.

1 comment:

Karyn Baker said...

Great post, Brent!