Wednesday, July 13, 2005

This morning, what I'm going to do today, and my thoughts of what god has in store for me.

I woke up like at 12 pm today. This is a nice thing because I got to sleep in and check my email mid day for comments and emails people send when they think I'm not asleep.

So anyway Cheese,

So last night before I went to bed I was praying to god, and he was talking to me and stuff, and either it was a dream or just a vision ( I don't remember if I was awake or not) but god showed me in front of a lot of people at the church moving around standing and speaking through the word of god and saying what he has to say. Either this is what god is going to do, or what he already has in motion. It was pretty cool, and that is what I wish to do in the near future anyway, so god's reassurance was always nice. ^_^

Other than my compulsiveness to keep updating blogs, cause once I get started doing something on the internet I'll keep doing it till I'm bored of it. Lots of online games I still play and make websites for like for example there is this advance chess game I play. Tactics Arena Online, I made a clan in that game and a clan website and still update that. I have lots of websites for stuff, Monster Hunter, me, School Projects, games I've made, Flashes I made, all that stuff and more, but I feel like when I wake up I want to blog. Maybe it's because I can say what I want to say, or maybe it is because I talk about god hear more than anywhere else. A new relative thing next to blogging is a RPG game called Maple Story, and I must admit it is like my favorite game right now. No swearing no violence other than you attacking like snails and stuff, but still a fun game. If your interested in it, to find out more because it is a fun game and I suggest you try it. You have to sign up an account, and also install the game on your computer but it is fun, something to do to past the time for me right now. But take into account of how much time you spend with things, because your life can be focused around those and off of god. Satan might have not created these games or fun things to do, but he can sure use them to his advantage.

If you feel like your spending too much time away with god, pray to him, and ask him to take away those things for awhile until you make god #1 and those other things fall in place.

My sister is still sick with Mononuclueosis or Mono. I ask for you to pray for her, and her relationship with god, and her work. I'm afraid all this time she has taken off from work will effect her outcome in that future environment. Also pray for it to go away soon instead of like two months :( That would suck don't you think?

I always been just amazed that god can work through anyone and give them the words he wants to be said, even through a 15 year old teenager like me? I mean if he can choose someone like me to do it, how will he do it through you. Prayer and reading the word are probaly your best chances of finding out, and I pray for all of you who are still curious to what god has for in store for you.

With that said I'd also like to say, god has had a plan for us all, and you may think, that he will reveal it to you in his time, but the fact is he already has, you may of missed because you were distracted by the world or your ears were not open.

"Invader Zim Signing off *crash* MY SPINE!"


1 comment:

Christine said...

Hey Brent. Have you read my blog about God's plan..its one i wrote yesterday. Its very cool :)