Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Man, I QUIT!

Writing a good blog is too hard, I never know what to say!


Oh? Still reading?

Ever had one of those moments where your just so fed up with something because it didn't go the way you expected it to go?

For example, here is what happened to me today.

I woke up at 1pm by the sound of my mother asking me to see if I wanted to be taken to the church to tune the drums, which the previous day, I agreed to with Karyn.

Now first off, I and my human nature to assume things thought, well Karyn will be at the church and I'll be able to tune the drums, and they'll sound all nice, and I'll get the key to the city for all of my hard work, and not have to be attacked by rigorous humanoid reptilian who are repelled by recent reward receivers.

^_^ You hate me don't you? It's because my examples start to make sense and then throw you a curve ball... Frustrated yet? No? Well back the tale then...

So I call the church and get no answer...

um, bad start to my assuming... Not very good.

So I assume they're out to lunch so I call 1/2 hour later, and...
"Hello, blah blah blah, I'm a chump, Corey speaking" Corey mostly answered as he put the phone in one of his hands, I'm assuming his left.
"Yes, I would like to ask that Karyn would be in the building in a straight answer from you after this sentence has reached its end" I said with the most polite manner,
"um, yah" Corey replied in a chump like tone

What to mean and unrealistic? FINE! You chump... >.>

"Ok, I'm going to be stopping by to come tune the drums" I said, in a realistic manner.

So now I get to the church go to the back door, answered by Dave, he is cool and all even though he is a chum.... Cool guy.
So I talk to Karyn and after we treat ourselves to some well deserved cheese to fighting off the hoards of vigorously tall atheists from getting hands on the plate of holy holiness, which they would have used to corrupt aisle 7 in the Safeway downtown if it wasn't for us.

So I go about tuning the drums and decide to put pieces of card board under the heads to stop the echo, they did this but unlike my drums at home, it changed the sound of the drum, and made them too flat, as Corey meationed.

Again not what I expected, I was frustrated because I had just spent four hours of my life tuning the drums to what I had assumed they'd sound like, and in the end they did not live up to that assumption.

So, I'm about to go I call my dad so I can meet him to get a ride home, and I tell him to meet me at the school.

I assumed he was picking up the boys at the high school, so I walked there...

He wasn't at Massey where all the other boys before these ones always were picked up.

Maybe he is near the Pearson office, but due to the fenced area I would have to walk around all of the school to get there, it was 4pm, it was a hot long journey.

By the time I had assumed I would make it there and find him waiting for me, I saw that this part too was fenced off, so once again I made my trip around the school to get back to the parking lot, as I had assumed he went and got something to drink while he was waiting and that's why he wasn't there.

Frustration seemed to build as he wasn't there, so I hiked up 8th avenue towards my house singing to myself to pass the time...

As I was into the second chorus of the song "Run and not get weary..." I trailed off as I heard a honk, now I was almost home, it was my dad, asking me if I wanted a ride. I had assumed I was too early, and he left without me... So I said no, and decided to get the last of my exercise for the day and trought down 8th Ave, in the heat.

When I got home I had assumed I could go to refuge and sit and relax. After I found out my dad picked them up at a different school which name has left me, I sat on the couch, and the boys asked if they could go play tennis.

I assumed this would be fun, and easy since they sucked at tennis, and only had one more friend with them, and he couldn't be too good.

Well I lost, after passing out from either dehydration or heat exhaustion which ever one came first.

We went home, and now it was almost seven but I was hungry and my mom was having a party so I forgot about refuge.

Now I'm here, full from food, and frustrated from my annoying, almost pointless day.

A point to this story?

I'm grumpy and tired, YOU THINK I WANT TO WRITE A POINT!?

The point is, that even when we make the all to common human mistake of assumptions, god is with us, even when they are wrong or right, and he will help us through them, and make us write long interesting blogs to the public about how we assumed people would read this garbage and still enjoy it.

Do not forget for the lord your god is always with you, we may all get frustrated but think how god feels when we do something that he is not proud of... Happy? I surely doubt that...

We need to preserver through are day with the faith that god is there walking with us along are frustratingly long day, and he will give us the strength to make it through the next day, without the fear of another frustratingly long day, and if that happens, then he will

Well... That was my frustrating day, and I'm frustrated because you'll stop reading after...


PS. Karyn you and I know the simple minded have already stopped reading, so it is safe for me to enclose this message to you in one of my blogs.

We may have driven off the atheists but now comes the hoards of zombie monkeys looking for the stapler in dave's office, aisle 7 is in grave danger, I'll meet you tomorrow around 1pm again so we can prepare the drums, in what people will think as tuning, but really I have enclosed a sonic charge in the auto tuner in dave's office, once tuned to the frequency of the auto tuner, the drums will emit loud sonic waves which will convince the monkeys they are all peaces of cheese, and will run in terror, because you know that zombies are afraid of cheese.


Anonymous said...

Your weird

Were you always like this?

Karyn Baker said...

Brent - I'm glad that you have formulated a plan of attack to ward off the monkies from defiling all the Safeway's in Vancouver. Good work - I think I heard the Mayor calling with your key to the city.....


PS - Yup, he's always been like this - actually, he's feeling much better now....

Christine said...

Hey Brent, well i had something to say and then my keyboard fell off the rolly thing and my mom came in and fixed it and now i cant remember what i wanted to write...ahh....

OH YA! U sent that message for Karyn...aha im not simple minded. i read the whole thing! hehe!!

Anonymous said...

WOW. Is all I have to say brent. WOW

Inquistive sentiment said...


Ginger Ale said...

I'm simple minded, but I still read what you wrote to karyn.... oh ya... Rock on cheeselord!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dmitri,

I was joking about the monkey blood, and I can't believe you told these mortals about that in your last post, I'll be on AIM today, we need to discuss the location of the Sugar Bowl that Lemony disposed of after stealing it from Esme, so you know who couldn't get it. You have a new partner, I'm surprised yet happy for you, just don't forget about that one time with the Yin Yang Aligator Robots, if they ever rise up again, you know my number.
