Thursday, August 04, 2005

A huge mistake!

Ever wake up one day, and forget to put on your pants?

No, just me? Ok... ;_;

The little mistakes we make can come back to haunt us, and effect us later on.

Like a close friend of mine once stated, that the actions we choose to make will have a punishment or reward, as well as a consequence, but it best not be to think they are one and the same.

Punishment, under the "P" section of your dictionary, means an action carried out due to a result of something occurrence. Punishment, basically means something that is done to us after the fact. While as a consequence is more or less, once that something has occurred, it has set in motion a sequence and events that will lead to a reaction.

If you don't clean the dished, a punishment might be, being grounded in your room for a week, or having the King of Prague knocking on your door, and handing you a medal of bravery for standing up to the dragon that is your mother.

A consequence could be, your dishes will be left unclean, and you might have harmful bacteria on them the next time you go to eat, or the mold on the dishes comes to life, and attacks you while your sleeping, then taking its victory unto society, enslaving mankind to do its bidding.

I was talking with sid one day, about how he just got pwn'd in a video game he was playing, he corrected me, by telling me the tale of pown'd, which talks about consequences of our mistakes.

An online game, I forget the name but with the initials S.S. was pretty popular, but the game was being upgraded or bought out, and this was the last time all the players could get ranked, before the game ended.

Sid and Dan played ss, they were pretty good, but these were the elite of ss, so... Well yah...

A guy named Madblood, ranked #1 was in the match as well as a few others, including StrikerBlue, who was always like 2nd-3rd in rankings. Rhino was there too, he is good, but pretty dumb, always giving people a chuckle.

Anyway the game goes on, Sid and Dan are out pretty quick in this Space fighter elimination match if you die 10 times your out.

Madblood has 9 deaths and maybe one kill, he is totally losing, and Sid and Dan are talking in the lobby about the match going on, Rhino joins them after getting killed by StrikerBlue...

Striker who has only died 3 times and killed about 7 people is the fan favorite and everyone thinks he is going to win, there are about 15 people left. Well Madblood just goes insane, wiping everyone off the floor except striker, so its just between those two. Madblood who has dies 9 times and just gotten 14 kills, is now facing StrikerBlue for the title of the best, Striker loses 7 times in a row, each time fairly and justified, that Mad was the better player.

So striker say in the lobby ;_;
Madblood says "Good game"
And rhino goes to type Striker was own'd but instead of o he types P.
Pwn'd, is created but Sid and Dan never let Rhino let go of his mistake, and laughed at him, and pwn'd became famous and is used around the internet to this date as a huge spelling error.

Now the consequence of that spelling error, even though small, grew into a giant mockery of misused spelling... Words like h4x0r, or l33t, or teh n00b.

But as your wondering what my point is, Sin's entrance into this world was a consequence of Eve taking the fruit and eating it, disobeying god, which lead towards Adam eating it, then mankind punishment...

Something small and innocent that looks simple yet delicious, can still make a huge impact.

Don't let Satan trick you into thinking that, its just one time, or everyone else is doing it, or it can't be as bad as this or this sin...

Think before you act, and ask god to work through you, and when you make a mistake, instead of ignoring it and hoping no-one noticed like Rhino hoped for, ask for forgiveness, and maybe the consequence will be less bad.

Now the next time you are asked to mow the lawn, think about obeying your parent, or you could end up in the stomach of a giant two headed Human eating Grass monster's belly.

1 comment:

Karyn Baker said...

Good post, Brent - LONG example about the mistake with "own'd". Funny. But good point altogether. I e-mailed you this evening about my most egregious oversight in not calling you today..... :\ Sorry, bro.