Saturday, August 27, 2005

What's better TV or the Internet.

You know I was reading some of Maddox's points about how the internet is replacing the Radio really fast.
People can find songs to new artists and not have to listen to some lame DJ talk about his childhood.
Well now the internet is becoming a large media viewing platform as well, not only can you watch shows on the internet, but you can rewatch them, and watch a whole bunch of stuff without annoying commercials.

Here are the Pro's and Con's of the Internet and TV

Televisions Pro's: You can watch cool and interesting shows for a small some of money. You can play video games on a television, as well as watch movies, and even check your email on your TV.

Con's of TV: Starts with a C and ends with a rappy Commercials. Did you know most shows only used to be 8 mins in length? Yes, those were days were you could watch 20 re-runs of some lame black and white retro show. Then some smart pants decide to make shows that were 30 mins in length. Not bad, but now we have shows that barely run 30 mins or even 12 for that matter. I was watching an episode of the Simpson's yesterday and I timed the whole episode, without commercials the time span was 9 mins and 36 seconds. That means in the 30 min time frame I was watching more than 20 mins of commercials. That's a lot of advertising, and subconsciously that can hurt us. Yet people still blame being fat on McDonald's... If anything it's TV. Anyway back to pro's and con's

Pros of Internet: I can view awesome websites, I can watch movies, store pictures, make pictures, make movies, make games, play games, talk with people, make blogs, view blogs, store, and send all of the above, and much much more, for a fee, that is less than cable.

Con's of Internet: Pop-ups. But at least I can make pop-ups go away. Indentity theft, if this ever happens to you, you need to learn how to use a computer. ( Sorry if that is harsh, but seriously, people who decide to give out there information and not want it to be exploited against them, should look up hypocrite in the dictionary).

Now then. Yes the internet is replacing the Television, but all these ad's and ideals being shared over the web can be bad for us as believers.

We may stray from the truth of the matter, and that is

Jesus is number one.

Television maybe getting replaced by the internet, but we can't allow god to be replaced by anything.


PS. Dear Karyn if you were offended by the following post, which I hope like you and the rest of the world was, then I won't have to tell you how happy I am that I got excepted to XLR:8 but that I have a delima on hands, because I want to go to that and youth councils. We need to get together and talk, maybe Monday or something. But again I should just email you, because you were offended and aren't reading about how the robot cyber monkeys now control half of aisle 7.


Karyn Baker said...

"We may stray from the truth of the matter, and that is

Jesus is number one.

Television maybe getting replaced by the internet, but we can't allow god to be replaced by anything."

Beautiful - concise, true, and doesn't pull any punches. I love it.


Karyn Baker said...

Hey - cool audio clip - great song. Psalm 23!!