Sunday, August 07, 2005

When life gives you lemons.

I was standing at my computer, yes standing, and then it came from the swamp.... ooo ahh...

Wait what that has to do with my topic? I'll never know.

Life teaches us many things right?

For example history, in theory they say history repeats itself, but to me that means that people didn't learn from their mistake the first time...

Like if life has taught us anything it is to learn from our mistakes.

You fall off a horse, your suppose to get back on, that is what were taught when we fall off a horse apparently, but if you are wise like me, you run away from horses everytime you see one again, because you don't want to make the stupid mistake of getting back on one, because you'll probaly end up getting bucked off again.

But I guess that is the whole thing about mistakes right? You took a risk, and you learned from it either being a success or being a complete utter, being attacked by wild pigmi's because a friend told you to mine in a certain part of South Africa in monkeys blood because the sent wouldn't attract evil mine golems, and though this may be true, pigmi's notice the sent of dead monkey... where was I? Oh yes, failure.

If world war one taught us anything it was not to assinate Arch Bishop Ferdinand.

But what if life was to throw you a curve ball, what if risk came knocking at your door?

What if you happened to stumble upon something that would throw your life into a pile of risks to come, and large mistakes that will be an outcome?

God wants us to have a personal relationship with him, and though you might have just relized this now, he is that risk knocking at your door, but if you take this risk for the rest of your life, the outcome will be great.

Now like any good spokeperson, I'm going to convince you on betting on this horse for the rest of your life.

If you think, well if I have to love god what will I get in return?

But it's simple God loves us no matter what, even if we haven't loved him!

"In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us."
—1 John 4:10

God wants us to know him, he is, has, and always will be knocking at that door, even if we screw up, its us that has to open the door and let him in.

"So that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us."
—Acts 17:27

But what if we screw up? What if we make crappy lemonade with the lemons fate has given us?

"We are dead in trespasses and sins."
—Ephesians 2:1

God has already found a way to forgive are sin, allow us to get back up on the horse and try again.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
—John 3:16

So what are you waiting for?
Take the plundge, make some lemonade, and if it sucks try again until you please god, but first we have to get all the tools for making lemonade in order to make good lemonade ( These are the fruits of the spirit).

So if life gives you lemons make lemonade, but life has already given you Jesus, have you started to do something about it.

On a more corny note, I was looking into the whole Blood drive commercial...

"Blood it's in you to give"

So if your already taking the risk you should follow this motto,

"Jesus, he's in you to give"

Umm... oh ya, CHEESE!


Christine said...

awesome post Brent!

Karyn Baker said...

Great post, Brent - I wonder..... if a risk (i.e. starting a relationship with God) has a predetermined outcome (i.e. a life filled with His love and forgiveness and with abundant blessings promised for the faithful) then is it really a risk?

Bakes :)

Ginger Ale said...

Great post cheeselord!