Thursday, September 22, 2005

Youth Website in the works...

Haha, I finally get to put my computer skills to good use.

Anyway today I was talking to Karyn at lunch ( and yes Ashley you were there, I didn't forget about you.) and on Wednesday she proposed ( mm, proposed is such a lame word, how bout we use, oh I don't know, furnish, I do love furniture) the idea of making a website for the youth, so I sat down in my programming class and got to work making templates for the idea. It's looking interesting so far, but Karyn and I will have to get to together and come up with what to put on the site, and furthermore ( mmm, lets use conjointly instead, now there is a fun word ^_^) you guys, well mostly gals, can forward ideas of what should go on the site.

Oh and there will be a forum on the site, but I have to remember how to do forums, I'm going to have to talk with some people in my class on monday, and get together with Marc-Jon one day, as he and them can help me with that.

Alright back to homework and sleep.



Karyn Baker said...

So sorry I didn't get a chance to see it yesterday, but I can't wait! I'm sure it's going to be great. Way to go with using your gifts and skills!!

Christine said...

I think some ideas that would be cool would be a page with encouraging verses for every situation (like if u are suffering, maybe have a few verses about suffering)

Another idea would be to put current fundraisers up on a page to let the public know what kinds of fundraising things we are doing.

I will think more about this. but for now i have to get ready to go to a movie with April and MJ so i will ttyl! hope u are feeling better!

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

I'm not better, and "Events" was already an idea, PS. On sunday we will be discussing this matter, and I will be annoucing a contest for it already. ( Yup I'm that ahead of schedule).

^_^ I like the verse thing, I already have a verse of the day thing, oh and Karyn I went with the red template but made it have a black background.

I gargled salt water, and it sorta helped for like 2 seconds, and now my voice is worse and come sunday I'm in a hole if I'm not feeling better.

Christine said...

on sunday? you mean at bible study? contest about events or for ideas about the website?

thats so cool Brent! Thats so cool that u are using one of the many gifts that God gave you and ur using it for His Glory! YAY :D

you lost ur voice? OH NO!

I pray that Brent's voice in the name of Jesus! Be healed COMPLETELY! Amen :)

Karyn Baker said...

Hey, I've got some lists of verses like what Christine was talking about. Brent - if your voice is still sore and froggy, don't worry too much about Bible Study - we'll spend it praying over you!! :) And after that you have a few weeks to relax because of 40 Days of Purpose.

Keep gargling the salt water - it does help, especially with the pain. Takes a couple of days; it's not instant.

Christine said...

yes, and drink tea :) Tea works too. I have a lil book of verses for almost every situation if you would like to borrow it, Brent.

Ashley said...

Can we post contest answers here!?

Hey Brent! umm.... be happy! and joyful, all in one. -->be HAPOYFUL! alright?

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

please email me the ideas and the name for the website.

I've already got a good one I'm forwarding at refuge, I've got work to do for God my life is so complete now, I'm so happy.