Sunday, October 02, 2005

God wants you to XLR:8 your life.

So XLR:8 was awesome, I went to Excellerate over the weekend and it was my sorta, weekend of relaxation.

Yes, I've been very busy lately with school and school work, and I was too occupied with doing well and leading bible study and going to refuge and preparing for sunday services and practicing the plays to focus on God. This weekend not only gave me time to relax but it gave me time I needed with God.

God talked to me so much over this weekend. I loved the camp it was really beautiful like God was saying to me "Brent, I will make nature sparkle just to show how much I love you". I learnt so much over the few days that I want to pursue God with so much passion that I feel like writing this blog is time away from that.

On friday, we had our 40 days of purpose sermon, literally, I mean learning more and more about gifts was really reinforced on friday, and tells me that God wanted me to truely find out my gifts and to start using them to my full ability. I got to meet so many new friends that passionatly loved God as much as I do, and it inspired me to learn more and more and get as much out of this weekend as I could.

God told me on friday about the time in my life that I had wasted on watching pointless television shows and playing very fruitless video games, so much so with the fact so clear as day, I could almost touch it.

Life on earth is just the warm up before the performance, like it touches on in the Purpose Driven Life, life on earth is only temporary, but life in heaven is eternal, in fact life on earth is just a centimeter on the meter stick of exsistance, smaller in fact. So if we take nothing with us to heaven but what we have done for Christ on earth, than what is the point on doing anything but doing stuff for Christ Jesus.

God wants us to use the gifts we are given here on earth to bring HIM pleasure, and to plant seeds in the world. Did you know the bible talks about an olive tree as the Jewish nation, and if it wasn't for their disbelief in the messiah, the branches of the tree would have never wilted and fallen from the tree, but the tree's loss is our gain, because of this God was able to graft the branches in us, so that we could produce olives for god, and even become olive trees for Christ.

If we use what we are given on earth, even no matter how small, or insignifigant it seems, we will be trusted with more in heaven, and this correlates to our gifts and abilities God has given us. More so our gifts in that manner, we can use our abilities, but unless we use them for God's pleasure than how we be able to use our gifts for God properly?

God delights in you, God is the maker of all, and he is the creator of everything, but no other creature in exsistance can make such a boast as God to always love his creations. Whether it be a faithful ant fulfilling it's purpose of carrying that leaf ten times its size back to the ant hill, or a fallen angel, God loves everything he has created, but he can't love everything man himself has produced. Remember how I talked about the difference of consequences and punishment? The same goes for a creation and a product. A creation is something God has made, a product is something that a creation has produced. Sin for example is not a creation but a product. But even though the one thing God intended this world for screwed up the simple task of obeying him, he provided a way out. Your creator loved you so much, and hated what your produced and what held you back from knowing him, that he sent his own son, to make the ultimate product possible. Redemption.

Can you hear God? Or have you build walls like school, or even friends that block him from allowing you to produce wonderful things for him? Have you used what God has given you to your full potential? I know I haven't been. But I sure as heck am going to do my darndest to now. What about you?


PS. This is not all I learnt, but in order to rest your eyes I'm splitting this up into multiple blogs.

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