Thursday, January 26, 2006


Not buisness, but business, is that even a word?

Whatever it is in my dictionary.

Have you ever been stressed? If you said no, stop reading.

I'm totally sick, I mean, fever, cough, chest pain, bleeding eyes, the works.

So today was total crap for me, I mean I lasted through A&B block, but after my Magic show, I was totally wiped, I mean I was having hard time breathing, but I pressed on, but at a point of physical and mental health, I was dead, when I got home, I just collaspe on the floor, and woke up to a phone call.

Nothing special, wrong phone number, but I decided to call Ashley Mayer for being a big help today, I mean I don't think I would've been able to pull off that show had it not been with her and others help.

But I'm just wiped as well in my life period. Today was awful, but my life recently has just been really, really chaotic. Karyn you think your stay in Texas was bad with all those misfortunes over and over again, well I basically have been having that happen to me all week, I don't have the strength to keep going.

I want to stay home and sleep tomorrow, but I can't, Chemistry and Socials test on stuff I haven't studied. I want to study but I tried earlier and the thinking part hurt me so much, and stressed me out that when I just wanted to weep in pain, blood came from my eyes. Luckily I have medicine for that, but its just really bad.

The only thing that has kept me going today is the fact that God is with me, he doesn't mind if I complain every step of the way, he keeps his head up looking at all the high points of the day, and someparts of the day he kept reminding me of them, but right now I just want to put my complaints out there, you know, just get them off my chest.

My schedule is chaotic, provincials are coming up, and ha, guess what, I get to be sick as soon as school becomes super difficult. I just hope God's strength really is boundless, because its going to be impossible to do this without him.

Now before you post a comment let me just tell you, this is just a rant about the bad parts of my day.

When things calm down I'll keep posting 'Chase' blogs, but for now, I need to stop, I need to focus on one thing at a time, right now its finals and provincials. I just need to contact Jon somehow and explain this to him..

*sigh* I'm going to bed,


PS. Karyn you rock for showing up and giving me support, same goes for all you guys.

^_^ Jen Champ doesn't read my blogs!


Karyn Baker said...

Brent - I just wanted to tell you how stoked I am to be able to say that I know you! You did such a great job on Thursday - not just the fact that you were putting on a show to raise money for Ethiopian wells, which rocks, but also you just did a great job of your show. If it's not cheesy to say this (but I know you like cheese), I'm really proud of you.

I pray you're feeling better and stronger soon.

Love you,

Ginger Ale said...

I pray for God's healing in your life!

Anonymous said...

Brent I hope you are feeling better. I pray God will give lost of strenght

Christine said...

I am soooo sorry I didnt come. To be completely honest, i TOTALLY forgot about it... and nobody reminded me, I really wanted to go!!!! :(


Anonymous said...

Get ready for life.