Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Chase Chapter Three: Holiness isn't an option

Because Christ died for me, I can be holy in the presence of God, b/c Jesus took away my sins, it's my salvation that allows me to be holy, but I still need to strive for holiness in everything I do.

Having holiness is needed for fellowship with God. Our salvation is not a get out of hell free card, God freed us so we could be holy. He died for our sins so we could be free from them and be able to acheive holiness. Holiness isn't necessary for Salvation but it should be a product of it. Which is something I seriously need to start taking seriously. If I'm going to be "Christ-like" I better be striving for holiness and turning away from my sins. Even the ones I've fallen into a trap of repetition too. I need to stop being cozy with some of the sins that control my life, there holding me back from true fellowship with God, no wonder I couldn't hear God clearly, I had let these sins control what I hear, and not only that, control my urges, emotions, and thoughts.

I'm glad that I don't have to be perfect, b/c that's pretty much impossible, but I also know that I have to have my heart set on God and chasing after his holiness if I want to bring him anything, including my praise for him.

I'm glad God disciples us, I love it when he slaps me in the face, b/c then my eyes are open and now I can see what I'm doing wrong and how I have to change it. This chapter talks about that, but it states something really good as well. God is with us in are walk to change our lives from sinful baggage we bring into the relationship and to live a life of holiness for him.

And so the chase continues, this time though, I'm going to listen to God and see my temptations from God's view before I sin, that way I can avoid making God upset in the first place.


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