Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Chase Chapter Four: The holiness of Christ

If I know about Christ's holiness I'll feel secure with him? When I first read this I was like, pfft, whatever, but as I come to see Christ's holiness I can truely trust him as that very best friend who will never let me down.

Because Christ was perfect, he never sinned, thank goodness too, I mean if Christ was a sinner, I doubt Christianity would have an impact as it has today, people could call us idiots for following a hypocrite. But Christ is not. He never sinned, he is perfect, and b/c of that perfectness he could do something I could never do, die in place of my sins.

I don't thank God enough for that, I think we all do, we tend to remember around easter or Christmas, but I think we need to thank God every morning for being saved.

It's rocking that Christ is perfect, b/c he is like the manual of how to be a christian. Come into a problem at school, "WWJD" and follow what he would do and it will please God.

Jesus' holiness was not just on the outside but in his heart as well, his motives were for God, everything he did was for bringing God glory. What really got me down was failing to be like Christ allowed my emotions get me into a hole of despair that helped Satan take me down. Luckly God was still rooted in me enough for me to call on him and his servants to help me get back on my feet.

God loves me the way I am, so I don't have to be wrapped up in failing God, b/c I'm going to do it alot, and it's just going to keep tripping me up. What I need to do is learn from my mistakes and look to the example of Christs holiness to guide me on what to do next time so I don't keep repeat sinning.

I need to have Christ blueprint of holiness shine in my life, and it requires me to stop being tramatized for making God upset, and to run into his open arms and allow him to guide me out of it, and to continuly show me what to do next.

I'm tired and my spelling went intot eh garbage


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