Sunday, August 13, 2006


God's been laying on my heart most recently that I need to work on my intimacy with him. The Battle School was a great way to do this.

"A scheduled life is a simple life" after all, and it helped me to focus on what's really important. I had to sacrifice my video games and my computer time at Battle School, because God called me to instead spend the time reading his work and in time of prayer with him.

Now I come back with a schedule, that no longer includes six hours of video games with friends topped off with three hours of television. Instead those things no longer matter to me at all. My scheduled day starts off with a shower, a meal, and rations (reading the word for 45 minutes).

God has been teaching me that the fundamental goal in life is not to serve, nor is it even worship (sorry Karyn Baker, but I totally am firm about this belief) it is to have intimacy with our Creator.

Truely, how can you even serve for the right reason if you don't know why your serving? If you serve to make people happy, there will be a time where people will spit in your face for helping them. If you do it for God your service will always matter.

How can you worship something if you don't even understand what that something is. I realized that in my life I was producing gifts for God without even knowing who God really was. I was missing intimacy. I was serving, doing ministry, worshipping, disicpling others, but I wasn't reading God's word, nor was a I praying as much as I should've.

I should have been spending more time with God, and letting those things come out of what I learnt about him.

One last thing, and it's something I've just been starting to dig into hardcore, what's with Christians who don't know God's word? Seriously you can't really grasp God without his word in your life. You can't understand who God really is by listening to the sermon, or worshiping him up on a platform. You understand someone through spending time with them. How do we spend time with God? Reading his word and praying. Raw basics of our Christian faith.

Time to shape up though, I've had six weeks of discipline spending more time with God, and now that I've experienced it, I never want to lose it.



Anonymous said...

Aah but Brent worship is all about God. Everything we bring to Him is our worship of him. Not just preaching,not just being on stage, not just serving, everything.

Having Intimacy with God is Worship.

Bless you,

Karyn Baker said...

Brent, I agree with Anon - desiring intimacy with our Creator IS worship. Plain and simple. It is recognizing who He is and responding by our desires for intimacy with Him.

By the way, all my beliefs about worship are not my own, you know that. They come from the Word. No more just disagreeing like that, OK? Let's talk it out when you aren't agreeing with stuff I tend to say.

Love you lots,

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

Or is worship a response to your intimacy you have with God?

If so.. isn't intimacy what we should be working on and worship from the heart will flow from that?
