Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Devotion I: I do not get prophecy in the OT

Matthew 1-2
I love the Geneology now that it makes more sense of the importance of it. I never knew without going to bible college the significance of the women, the names of Jesus' decendants, nor that each of the 14 lists represented the story of the bible from the covenant to the fall of israel to the salvation of God's people.

But that is not what I'm writing about. No; in fact, I'm more concerned verses 14-15 in the second chapter. (The reason I'm specifically writing about it is b/c I stopped on it during my read through of the gospels and acts for NTS survey)

'So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, 15where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son."'

The real question I'm dealing with here is the verse in quote from Hosea 11:1. Looking at that verse
"When Israel was a child, I loved him,
and out of Egypt I called my son."

you can see the context for this verse is not directed at Jesus but at Israel (and directly looking back into the past when God delivered them)

Now I get that Jesus is the true salvation of God's people, a final solution to the deliverance of his people from oppression (of sin). I can see how one can interpret that Egypt was God delivering Israel from oppression (of the egyptians) and how Jesus could be applied to this verse. But I don't get how Matthew would interpret this verse in Hosea to a messianic one. Is it really prophecy of the messiah, or just a history recap from the Lord's prophet.

I don't know. That is my conclusion. I'm not a devout Jew. I don't know how they would interpret scripture. All I know is Matthew wrote the correlation between the "prophecy" in Hosea in connection with the life of Jesus.

Application: Don't take the face value of scripture. I heard this alot while pondering this text over in my mind. Don't be afraid to question the scriptures declared Holy, for in question often times God will reveal more of his amazing complexity, a complexity that we cannot put into a box nor describe at times.

Prayer: Lord please shead some enlightenment on the prophets words so I can have a better understanding of your word.

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