Thursday, January 03, 2008

It's another year after

Happy New year bloggers, if any of you actually still read blogs that is.

Speaking of which I've noticed; and I'm not one to talk, that the blogging community has died off this last year. Checking all my friends posts or reading their comments has pretty much ended for me not because I don't have time to check; but because like me, they seem to have decided to move onto better things. Namely... facebook.

Tangent aside; people stay commited with something; eventually something will come along to replace facebook (even though, years earlier "myspace" was around that did pretty much exactly the same thing)
Tangent End

I'm making a note to blog more; or at least post once a week. I set apart Wednesdays as my day, and then I noticed today was thursday and my coversation with myself went as follows:

Brent- It's Wednesday time to blog!
Brent- *checks date* CRAP! It's thursday!

Anyhoo, If you haven't noticed my better half has joined my blogging center of inane idiotcracy and both of us decided to not proofread anything we post. Which is good, cause I seldom do it with my time restraints and efforts I push towards each post, and the fact that Jessica has no grammer nor spelling knowledge and I'm only openly declaring this so you won't notice her giant mistakes in proportion to mine.


Fuzzy stickers are fun.
That is all
-Brent Out

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