Thursday, January 10, 2008

Two Conversation; one conflict, one celebration

The highlight of my previous day (Wednesday) is that of such a 10 hour sleep gave birth to this one making my morning good. Even though I needed not be at school till 9:10am I left my house in the comfort of 6:47am's rain and skipped towards the circus that is Surrey's transit system.

I arrived early like stated, realizing that my life of lying tries to surface in a place I've chosen to retain of purity. I love my school. I love my holy spirit classes. And my omen of Serena asking me the question "girl issues?" when commenting on the expression I gave her would spell out the worst part of my day.

Holy spirit was awesome until I learnt I had successfully failed my attempt to record the first half of class; and in hindsight, I am now left with half a class of audio and the other half without.

Like I stated, I was unaware of my love's plight of confession and admittance of guilt she had been holding onto, and how yesterday might have spelt out the end of relationship. No, such an occurance was saved for today, of all days, the day where nothing was going to bring me down. Not even a one year, two month and five day relationship coming to an end was going to dampen my spirits because God was on my side.

With that said. This calamity to most, actually was prophsized early by allusions and the sermon preached in chapel. With sad times comes God time, and indeed my sorrow left me in a moment to spend in recommitance to my Lord. And so I sit, on my laptop, fulfilling with what the Lord has asked me humbly to do. To thank him for this wonderful and stay commited to blogging every wednesday this year, even though the last two blogs I've posted were on thursdays.

The celebration part was talking with Derek Walter about evolution. I will post the conversation at the end of my blog.

Which is now
Brent says:
Brent says:
you there?
Derek W says:
yah, kinda
Derek W says:
im doing my reading for bio
Derek W says:
what can i do for yah?
Brent says:
I got this assignment for Science and the Bible at my school; and we need to ask these 9 questions to someone who knows something about evolution... or something like that, and your the smartest scientific person I know!
Brent says:
do you think you can answer 9 questions for me
Brent says:
It will probably take 5-10 minutes
Derek W says:
yah haha this is funny because that is what im reading right now
Brent says:
Derek W says:
my biology course is gebetics, evolution, and ecology
Derek W says:
Brent says:
I need to know for myself, do you believe in evolution
Derek W says:
Brent says:
Brent says:
I'm biased growing up in a christian house believing in creation, but I got nothing against evolution as a theory... anyways
Brent says:
it could be right for all i know
Brent says:
ok question 1)
Derek W says:
haha and i have nothing against creationism haha
Brent says:
(BY the way I didn't make these questions up)
Derek W says:
ok haha
Brent says:
1. Do you believe in God? If so, briefly explain your view
Derek W says:
I'm boarderline agnostic haha so not enough to say yes
Brent says:
so could you explain what that means
Brent says:
like there might be a god?
Derek W says:
well it asks if i believe in god... and that is a problematic question, because i respect people believing that there is a god, or gods, but technically i don't so we'll just say 'no'
Derek W says:
to make life easier for everyone
Brent says:
Brent says:
good enough for me!
Derek W says:
haha, don't hate me for my answers, im taking evolutionary biology and philosopy, you shopuld see how much they contradiuct each other haha
Brent says:
I love your answers
Brent says:
There giving me free marks
Brent says:
plus for all i know I could be completly wrong with my whole jesus thing
Brent says:
Brent says:
2. How do you think the universe began?
Derek W says:
you really want me to say Big Bang don't you?
Brent says:
Brent says:
I just want your honest opinion
Brent says:
i'm not trying to trick you
Derek W says:
that is my honest opinion, but i wish i could word it differently
Brent says:
well i don't know the specifics to the big bang
Derek W says:
oh well big bang theory is the technical term
Brent says:
ok but what is the big bang?
Derek W says:
a massive release of energy caused by matter and anti matter freely canceling its self out, the 'winner' of the back and forth being matter, which then expends to fill the known universe, and anti-matter to be shoved way off to the edges where we can't see it
Brent says:
Brent says:
i have no clue what that means
Derek W says:
Brent says:
but i can think of one word
Brent says:
bonus marks
Derek W says:
Brent says:
oh wait
Brent says:
that was two
Derek W says:
well let me explain it a little simpler here
Derek W says:
i love talking about astro physics even though im not taking it
Derek W says:
so yah, you have matter, no actual molecules or atoms or anything, just tiny specs of real matter
Derek W says:
its floating around in a void, and it is there along with its opposite
Derek W says:
which is anti matter
Derek W says:
when a particle of one touches another, they eliminate each other and energy is released
Derek W says:
the big bang is just a massive scale reaction, that left more matter left over than anti matter
Derek W says:
(the theory is that there was always more matter to begin with)
Brent says:
Brent says:
thanks for the explain
Derek W says:
any time
Derek W says:
so yes, that is how i think the universe began
Brent says:
cool; see i'm not just getting free marks, i'm also learning
Brent says:
Brent says:
*not just getting*
Brent says:
ah crud
Brent says:
that whole sentence sucked
Brent says:
Derek W says:
Brent says:
3. How do you think life originated?
Derek W says:
now this is a great question since we just talked about it for an hour yesterday in bio
Brent says:
Brent says:
did anyone bring up creation?
Brent says:
guess not...
Brent says:
Derek W says:
no haha, that is what people talk about in arts courses
Derek W says:
which im also in
Derek W says:
but thats a different story
Brent says:
Brent says:
sorry i got you off track... probably had a whole sentence already typed
Derek W says:
ok so from this stand point, life originated when non living molecules became attracted to one another, and formed the first RNA type molecules
Brent says:
Derek W says:
RNA is in our cells, and are the molecules that help our cells produce proteins, which is what all cells need to function
Derek W says:
now RNA eventually changed shapes and started picking up nutrients ect... and the RNA began to change
Derek W says:
once it started changing, it can technically be considered "alive"
Derek W says:
because it was adapting
Derek W says:
so, that is the very most simple origin of life
Brent says:
Brent says:
i like your use of adapting
Brent says:
another word for it; evolving...
Brent says:
Derek W says:
technically yes
Derek W says:
but afdaptation adn evolution are technically different
Derek W says:
but it did both
Derek W says:
and sorry about my spelling haha
Brent says:
well is adaptation more of micro evolution and evolution is what scientist term as macro or am I way off?
Derek W says:
you are close, an adaptation would be within one generation, and evolution takes place over many generations
Brent says:
i see
Brent says:
ok ok
Brent says:
Brent says:
I'm not actually suppose to sway from teh questions until I finish the course and can actually throw what I learn in class into the discussion.
Derek W says:
Brent says:
anyway 5. How old do you think the earth is and why?
Derek W says:
a bunch of billions of years old, because geology says so by using carbon dating, core samples, and also because of plaeontology (digging up prehistoric things)
Derek W says:
but carbon dating core samples from the Earth is a sure fire method
Brent says:
Brent says:
6. Do you believe in life on other planets, aliens or UFO's?
Derek W says:
Yes, Yes, and Yes though for UFOs that depends... they would have to be some really advanced aliens to be able to make it out of their own solar system haha
Derek W says:
but i certainly do believe in them
Brent says:
Brent says:
(someones been watching STargate SG-1 a little too much) oh look i broke the rule again
Brent says:
Derek W says:
hahaha meh
Derek W says:
rules are there to be bent and broken
Brent says:
Brent says:
in my case
Brent says:
I believe that if GOd wanted to create them he could, and it even says in revelations we are to rule over something... not specified.. so maybe it's these aliens you speak of
Brent says:
Brent says:
Ok ok...
Brent says:
7. Is evolution still happening, and if so, what do you think will be the end result?
Derek W says:
evolution will keep happening after humans are dead and gone, it is a constant process that can not be stopped until there is no more life. Every living thing evolves, and there isn't anything that can stop that except the end of a species
Derek W says:
the end result... well that is impossible to tell
Derek W says:
anything is possible really
Brent says:
do you think humans will further evolve?
Derek W says:
yes, but into what i can't say
Derek W says:
evolution isnt things like growing extra limbs, or getting a bigger brain
Derek W says:
that isnt it at all, most evolution happens at a microscopic evolution
Derek W says:
did you know that 5% of Earth's population is immune to HIV/ AIDS
Brent says:
Derek W says:
lets say that 5% does better, and passes those genes along, eventually humans will be immune to HIV and AIDS
Derek W says:
that is natural selection
Derek W says:
and thus evolution
Derek W says:
scientists know those genes are transferable
Derek W says:
and so eventually in the future we might have humans who are immune to cancer, and to AIDS
Brent says:
Brent says:
8. do you believe in life after death? Explain
Derek W says:
hmmm.... not really no...
Derek W says:
as much as i wish it were true, i dont really see how its possible
Brent says:
Brent says:
i'm not looking for the answers i would give anyway
Brent says:
this is the last question, but it's phrased really weird
Derek W says:
Brent says:
9. How do your beliefs in origins and evolution affect your sense of purpose for your own life?
Derek W says:
hmmmm haha well i guess it makes me feel like my purpose is to pass on my own bit of genetic code to the next generation in hopes of helping create a brighter future
Brent says:
Brent says:
ok, thanks alot
Brent says:
i am so getting 100% on this one!
Derek W says:
no problem
Derek W says:
glad to have been helpful
It was a great moment of evangelism, learning and bonus marks... I love bible college homework.

-Brent Out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are wrong, only 0.1% to 1% of the population is immune to HIV/AIDS. Please check your facts.