Sunday, January 13, 2008

Break V.S. Break up.

For all of you who read Brent's last post he was wrong.

I told him that I needed to re-connect with God, just me and God.
I happened to use the term "Break" to describe our relationship, even though I have every intention of still having one, not ending one.
I just need to figure out this God thing on my own.
So, my definition of break, is to spend time with God, instead of with Brent.
Not to break up with him.

So this one year, two month, eight day relationship has not come to an end.
Atleast not by my doing.
I'm sure that Brent will have the patience to let me get close to Jesus, and that we will both trust in the Lord to take care of us. Whether that be us seperatly while I figure things out, or seperatly forever (which I doubt..) or together once I'm in a position to love Brent, but to love Jesus more.

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