Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The armory of God, and my day with Angela.

A Few things to add, lets see where to start today.

Today was not a normal day, nor will anyday in the life that is Brent, but that is just me, but nothing is normally routine in the summer anyway so here I'll start with my sister waking me up at 10:30 am.

I'm going to hang out with Angela, which if you look at my site, you'll see a picture of under this link as well.

Anyway last night I ask my sister to wake me up in the moring 10:30am but this morning I'm having problems sleeping, parents making noise and so forth, but I wake up and take a shower around 10:15am. Go back to bed around 10:30am and put the blanket over my face and just then my sister screams for me to get up and get dressed. The moral of this story, when you ask someone to do something for you, like wake you up cause you might forget, make sure to fulfill your part or you might feel very looped with irony.

So anyway, I wanted to stress a thought. Mike came to refuge tonight, and if you don't know its sort of the youth cell group of worship at my church on tuesdays. After some intense screaming of loudness and Karyn telling me to be quiet and sit :'(, as she is about to sing and start worship, mike annouces that Jeff, or whatever his name is( I'm sorry short term memory loss, and I'm trying to remember and type really fast before it is all gone anyway so bare with me) came to Christ XD! Karyn asks us to pray, and so I'm suppose to end with prayer, as Karyn is praying I see this whole long vision, 20/20 it was so clear, that we as humans are gods "swords". Using the analogy of the whole iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another verse from Proverbs 27:17, I relay an idea that I said on bible study on sunday, that if we sharpen one another we'll become less blunt. God as a mighty powerful, is probaly going to use a sharp sword over a blunt one to bring righteousness to the world, and with a sharp one it will be alot easier for him as well. We have to strive to sharpen one another or we are not true friends of the people around us. Peer pressure and contradictive beliefs of this world are Satan weapons to dull or wear down us as weapons for god, and we need the support of others to sharpen not just ourselves as better tools, but to sharpen are relationships with god. I gave a shorter spew of this analogy in a thought and then prayed over Jef... that guy so he could hear the words god had said for him, and I know that he will walk away with that food in him, and feel stuffed so to speak. ^_^ Only Karyn knows what I'm talking about there.

Now today, that happened and Refuge and James 4 were pretty swell, I suggest you go read James now, and come back and read the rest of my blog, just so you can be like, wow that Blog was sure specific. So my day with Angela was pretty cool, although sort of alot of unfortunate mishaps here and there but it was fun none the less.

First off I picked her up from the summer school at Glenbrook, on McBride Blvd, and took her to her house. Which was quite some distance, she lives on Queens and 8th? Maybe 10th I'm not sure, anywa near the IGN and London Drugs on 10th street is just down that hill from her complex. So she said hi to her sis, dropped off her stuff, and we were off. We didn't have a master plan for the day, so I bought her lunch as I do for most people I'm spending the day with. Tim's was fun, I ate a Turkey Bacon Club plain, because I depise mortal fixins and she had the same with the fixins

Anyway after that we did stuff like walk to my house and go play tenis for three hours, and when i say play i mean teach her how to play which is like teaching a giraffe how to fly but none the less I learnt lots about Angela that I didn't know and this is all like ^_^

So to wrap things up I said Cheese 15 times at refuge. Tired from reading yet?



Karyn Baker said...

Wow, was it really 15 cheeses? I lost count after about 8. Sorry for "making you sit down and be quiet." :P I didn't think you usually listened to that.... :) By the way, excellent explanation of the Proverbs 27:17 - keep those coming, I love reading that stuff!


PS - His name was David.... :)

Christine said...

Hey Brent! You are awesome! If i am having a horrible day i know i can come to refuge and get a HUGE laugh..Thanks man!!

Christine said...

hey, i tried putting links on and i follow everything...but it still is wrong....can u help??

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

My website is

That is like the only important link

and the link to this blog is


Christine said...

i know the links to this site and ur site, but i want to put them on my site, but it doesnt show up on my site....