Tuesday, July 26, 2005

What fruit we need to bear.

So, I was looking into fruits of the spirit for my bible study last Sunday.

One of the fruits of the spirit is patience, and it is common we know what it means.
Well actually we use the word patience, but can we substitute it with its literal meaning, during my bible study I asked what patience was, and the answers I got surprised me ( Note for Karyn*
Anyway, I suppose by now you looked up patience in the dictionary, its next to procastinate and probaly get around to looking up patience, next to p's whether they be 30 or 300 spots from the word, you still looked it up right?

Anyway, patience to me is perserving through a trial with your sanity intact. That said I would like to note that you notice how the days of today, Satan is trying to get the idel that it is good to get things done fast, and out of your way, to rush everything, and live life to the fullest. The bible says otherwise, it says to wait upon the lord, for he will tell you what to do, and when to do it, and to patient. Don't try to get things done as soon as possible, for you probaly will miss the day to day clues of what god is telling you.

Dave, was talking about this as well, about the ideals of Satan's quick fix to getting rid of patience, and then I was overhearing Karyn's prayer for patience for angel, even though I had no clue what so ever to what it was truely about. Then it hit me. Like a baseball slipping incorrectly out of a pitchers hand across the mound, above the grass, towards the plate, but curving, curving left and up towards the crowd until, smack! In bible study I was losing all patience with the group and there non-listening skills. Several attempts to keep the on track had failed, and when I talked I was constantly interuppted by, "oh look a butterfly!" That never happened, the butterfly i mean, but you get the point. They got the lesson as I calmed down and explained the whole donut paper bag thing, even though I was interrupted during that as well. But I lost my cool, the lesson about how god wanted us to show fruits of the spirit was ruined in my mind due to the fact, I didn't show patience. Then again, god reminded me of my life at home, if you know me, I pratically get into a fight everytime I speak with my mother. There is some quality she has to get me going. So god told me very clearly this week about what fruit he wants me to bear more often.

"I am the vine, you are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." John 15:5

God wants us to bear fruit, which is not produce fruit, produce and bear are seperate things, produce means make more, while bear means care for and bring into creation. We our the ones that bear gods fruit, it is through us that his fruit is brought onto this realm of exsistance.

What fruit does god want you to bear this week?


Karyn Baker said...

Wow - deep blog, Brent. I like it. Especially the part about how God showed you that you needed to exude patience in the Bible Study about patience - He's so good at teaching us experiential lessons, eh? And also the difference between producing and bearing. I never thought of that before. Very cool....


Victory of the People said...

>>>>>Anyway, patience to me is perserving through a trial with your sanity intact.<<<<<

I liked that one.

>>>>>God wants us to bear fruit, which is not produce fruit, produce and bear are seperate things, produce means make more, while bear means care for and bring into creation. We our the ones that bear gods fruit, it is through us that his fruit is brought onto this realm of exsistance.<<<<<

I liked that too.
Good Stuff

Christine said...

I have been learing patience myself! Its an awesome thing to have. and we so desperatly need it in our every day lives. And i agree with Karyn about the producing and bearing factor. I never thought about the difference before. :) Great post!

Ginger Ale said...

Great blog!! Like Karyn said, "God is so good at teaching us experiential lessons." I never knew the difference between producing and bearing, now I know. And again, great blog!