Friday, August 19, 2005


There are two things girls are good for in my personal opinion

Number one,
They have hair that smells nice ( Well most of them that is)

Number two, which any guy can relate to,
They can easily burn a hole in your wallet.

I seriously need to stop talking people out to lunch... That aside though as soon as I hang out with someone for the day, I spoil them.

The other day I was hanging out with Angel, so I take out 20 dollars for lunch and stuff.

I'm not a guy who really cares about money at all, unless I'm like saving up for something, but then again, if you have money then why not spend it on others before yourself?

So by the end of the day I have spent an average of 15 dollars, I don't mind that wasn't a lot of money, but I decided to go buy someone a gift that I owe them, and that set me back more.

On Saturday I'm hanging with Ashley, I only have like 9 dollars and 50 cents and that is all I'm going to spend tomorrow, I am not taking out more money. If I do that means I'm either

One; I'm being exploited into buying stuff, which is unlikely because I highly doubt Ashleys the sort of person that wants stuff bought for her >.>

Two; I'm being an idiot and buying stuff I don't need.

Anyway but that was my point.

I decided to buy someone a gift, and when I told them about it, they freaked out at me, and were all like you don't owe me a gift.

But if were talking about that, I owe someone a nice gesture if they give me a nice gesture.

If someone gets you a gift for your birthday it is only fair that you return the kindness by getting them one for theirs, right?

You don't have to, but I feel that I want to not be a jerk who receives and not gives.

The same goes for Jesus, if we have received him we should make an effort to give him to others to return the kindness Jesus showed us. This year I'm going to buy Jesus a present, I'm going to make an effort to give him to at least one person before his birthday.

Anyway, a gift to be is like a debt, if you give me a gift, expect to get one back. Yet, if a give someone a gift I really don't care, don't get me one, instead call me a hypocrite.

Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Romans 13:7


PS. Dear Karyn, the smart reader would've stop reading to this point.
Since you are smart you must've stopped reading so there is not point for me to tell you that the gnome problems are settled, and that everyone was worried that you didn't show up at the banquet on Thursday, or that I hope you are ok, and that I update my song in my profile to something you might like to listen to if you are not being attacking by a outraged octopus. I am still frightened about Sunday for I fear that approval of others will not be shown and I will be attacked my the most dissident dolphin that feeds off people who have just been subjugated to disapproval.


Ashley said...

There is no such thing as oweing gifts. it's impossible.

Karyn Baker said...

Dearest Comrade-at-arms:

Thank you for your concern about my not showing up at the banquet. I'm afraid that I was busy loving on Jesus in the downtown east side and figured you could handle the gnomes on your own. Glad to see that's OK. Tomorrow will be great - I'm probably going to introduce you to everyone and you can tell them why you're up there - it will be fine. Remember you're playing only for God and no one else, not even me as the worship leader. He loves your playing. He loves you. Chill. The dolphins exist, but are harmless in the power and protection of your mighty Saviour. Be at peace.

Love you, bro.

PS - I kind of agree with Ashley, especially because the greatest gift we have ever received (Jesus's blood) can never be repaid. But how about owing the debt of love? (Romans 13:8) - that's a good one. :)

Ashley said...

karyn baker, you are so bright. :)

and brent I thought I would add that girls are good for other things than the ones you mentioned. Us girls are quite the beings....

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

Nice Bakes, way to shove it my face...

Ashley of course you girls are good for other things, I just meationed the top two things that applied to this week.

To list some things about girls that are awesome:
Your most of the time smarter than guys, and I'm like the smartest guy ever cause I'll admit to this! ^_^

You have eyes! w00t!

When you turn 16 every guy starts to notice you... as you go for that drivers license... w00t! You thought I was going to say something else... >.>

What was I talking about...

Oh ya, they help me remember things I forget, that was an example of that.