Monday, January 09, 2006

The Chase Chapter Two: The holiness of God

All Christians are called to live a holy life. Why?
Because God is holy, I'm called to live a holy life because God himself is holy and I want to have my character more like God's don't I? Don't you?

I like how this chapter refers to christian chameleons who well, blend in when the going gets tough, or they conform when around their friends, so they look cool. But we are called to stand up and stand out for God, not blend in.

I haven't had a large problem with this in my life, I'm really unique and mostly everyone knows that, but the one thing I've learned is as soon as we stand out, we have more eyes fixed on us, and that makes it far more tougher to live a holy life. Remember we are called to be holy 24/7 in everything we do.

So if God is holy then why do we bother blaming him for being unfair, I know I've done it a few times, but God can't be unfair, he is perfectly just, he's holy for goodness sake. God's clothes are always clean, never stained. Holiness is a part of God, and since we are made in the image of God we should strive to have holiness a part of our essence.

What's even cooler is God never makes mistakes, so you know when your hitting rock bottom, it's because God is allowing you to grow more like him.


"Be holy, because I am holy" says God, means we have to look at sin seriously.

From God's perspective in fact, we know that God loves us, but we also need to know that he hates sin. Our sin, he hates it everytime we sin. We need to strive to do the right thing, even if it doesn't turn out the way we wanted it, it pleases God, which is a fact I tend to forget alot of the time.

We need to stop justifing our sins, even the "little" ones we do, like downloading music off the internet for free, and strive to be different from the crowd, strive to be holy.

I like how the book talks about how God will never put you in a position where the only way out is to sin. I remember a long time ago, Karyn was teaching us about how God can never tempt us of sin, but allows us to be tempted and that he provides a way out.

God calls us to be different b/c he is different.

"Sin isn't just distressing or defeating to ourselves, its displeasing to God."

The holiness of God is a high standard, but it's a perfect one, one that I'm definitly going to chase after and never quit on striving for, even if being holy doesn't turn out the way I want, it pleases God, and that is definitly worth doing.



Anonymous said...


Christine said...

"What's even cooler is God never makes mistakes, so you know when your hitting rock bottom, it's because God is allowing you to grow more like him."]

I like that. Thats awesome! yay God!