Sunday, January 01, 2006


So an analogy God gave me today when talking with Ashley was pretty simple, and it summed up one of the things that was frustrating me to be tripped up by the enemy in the first place.

Picture this, your in a hedge maze and you have to find the exit, because the entrance way you came in closed up. What do you do? All you can see in front of you is hedge after hedge, and pathway that leads to pathway. But now picture this, your soaring like an eagle above the maze, and have a clear view of the whole maze, and know exactly where to go.

Well, thats the difference between our perpespective of our purpose and God's perspective. Well at least mine is. Because I'm idly lost in the hedgemaze. I caught a glismpe of the path to go, but that only got me through the first fork in the maze, and now I'm lost, walking aimlessly through the maze. I want to see things from God's perspective, but I don't, I wish God would give me more insight though, because I'm still running aimlessly through this maze, going through the right fork in the road at some points and yet also going down to dead ends as well.

One more note, that is technically off topic, the XLR:8 Book the Chase, I will be writting about each chapter here, and what I get from this book, in the coming weeks, I've read the first three already, but I want to start over, b/c the book kinda put me into a spiral of self defeat of how unholy I am.


1 comment:

Ashley said...

i think that you writing about your experience with the book is a really good idea. I'm doing something similar, but not on here, I'm doing mine in a notebook .