Sunday, October 02, 2005

Creator, master, friend, mentor, savior.

So on saturday we were finishing the day with Mark and Mike using their abilties to bring praise to God. God talked to me, I saw God right next to me in fact, it was cool, then God pointed towards the window, and I was outside the building I was in and standing in the field, I couldn't move, and I was missing my shoes, but I wasn't cold. I just relized I was probably standing in duck poop, but it didn't matter, because next to me was God, and he told me to look up, after some asking why, and God just being persistantly patient until I stopped being nieve and just went with God, I looked up, I didn't see much but a cloudy black night sky, then God moved his arm and the clouds rolled away to reveal millions of stars, then God said to me, "Brent, what do you see?" I wasn't quite sure of what I was looking at, and then I said, "I don't know a bunch of stars", then God simply laughed and pointed out the time and effort it went into making those stars, and then he told me how insignifigant the time and planning it was that God took into making a star, compared to his plan for me, just his plan for me, nothing else, not how long it took him to plan out what I would look like, not what I would eat, but what his purpose was for me. Then he told me a few things, he told me about the whole creator thing I meationed earlier, and then he showed me front to back my whole life, and everything I had done, whether it be good or bad, some things made him proud, others cry, and others shake his head, then he opened his hand, and put the bad and good things in each hand, then he said,

"Brent these are the good things you have done for me, here take them." He gave them to me, and I took them. Then he said. "Here are the bad things" Then he crumbled them into a paper ball, and tossed it behind him, and they vanished, "Brent, what bad things?". He told me he was proud of what I have done for him, and I really needed to hear it. I have gone my whole life loving and fearing God, but not once did I feel that I ever did anything to please him, in fact I felt like a failure.

The third thing he showed me was a book, he opened it up and read it to me, front to back, it was a long book, it felt like a whole life time passed while listening to it. It was about a boy and his purpose for God, and what would happen in his life, and how he would live for God, and what he would do, at the beginning he was learning, but when he sat down and lived for God, the earth shook to the praise and pleasure he brought God. At the end of the book, I saw the gates of heaven open and God standing on the other side, and he said to "That story is what is to come for you, it is the story I have written for you, it is your story." Then I opened my eyes and was back inside, humbled and amazed at to what I had seen. Overwhelmed almost.

Some of the things I learnt were that mentors are so valuble to our growth as soliders of Christ, just like Jesus was to his disciples, mentors can bring us closer to God.

We ought to leave a legacy of people of christ on this earth when we leave for the performance. Don't be afraid to start things for God, be a fire sparker, not a fire fighter, and don't let anyone look down at you because you are young.

People look up to you, 99 people will read you, only one will read the bible, so we have to set an example, for most people, the only time they will see Christ is through us, so we better be doing something for God, instead of watching playing video games or watching the television.

I'm going to start being a mentor and telling everyone about Jesus and asking them how their relationship with him is,

We can mentor without opening our mouths, and that is through are actions, so are you being a good mentor?

I ask anyone who reads this if they can suggest a mentor for me, and I also ask that if anyone wants to walk beside me in my walk to change the world, because it will be almost impossible for me to be held accountable without someone helping me.

Even the word of the lord says to not do this alone,

Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. Calling the Twelve to him, he sent them out two by two and gave them authority over evil spirits.

So ya, I don't know how to finish up here, other than, put down the remote controller ( I say controller because, your not really in control if you spend more time with the T.V. then you do with God) and ask him what he wants you to do, and what you can start doing. He showed me, I'm sure he'll show you, and trust me he will, my gift of prophecy is making me certain.


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