Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Seriously, it's really sad that you guys obviously don't love me enough to write a blog about me. I can be cool right? No, there isn't anything bloggable about me? Fine... *sobs*

Anyway Good news.

God told me awhile back to start this Youth group thing at school that had to do with God, basically he told me it was going to be a safe place where Christians can just be who God created them to be, and be in a place where you can re-enforce topics during the school day to help motivate you to step out of your comfort box of comfort and make an impact for Christ in the School. Well when I told the Counsoller about this, he said that I could do it, but I couldn't make it like an offical club, just like a group discussion group, that is if I grabbed a couple of my friends and talked about God in a room. Well I got a room, and after the strike I decided to hold a Discussion about the group with a bunch of Christian peeps who are really stoked about this and really stoked about God.

If your interested in ever showing up and go to our school (New Westminster Secondary School) it is on Wednesdays at 11:28am - 12:18pm in Room 225, it's in the upstairs Massey Wing. The first meeting was basically a, what do you want this group to be like, and the actual first meeting it on tomorrow.

If you can't come, then just pray that God will have an impact on the school, I mean this is just the spark of the fire that is about to burn through the school. No I'm not an arsonist, but I'm talking about the consuming fire of the holy spirit.

Now then, where are your blogs about me?


PS. Umm if I left out anything important, please tell me.


Karyn Baker said...

Brent, I have to tell you (and I really don't mean to sound cheesy - cheese!), but I am so proud of you. Steppng out and listening to God and doing this thing. I pray that you will see God do amazing things at New West Secondary. I pray that He will see fit to use every part of you that you offer to Him, and that He will do so to bring His own name much glory, protecting your humility in the process. I pray that many in the body will be encouraged through your Wednesday meetings and that many will come to know Christ. I pray that you will never forget that you are a vibrant minister of the gospel, and I'm glad you know that even while you're still in high school. Age is irrelevant. Passion is contagious. All praise to the Father of all good things!

Anonymous said...

Great job on stepping out and telling other about God and who he is. I can't wait to see more peolpe getting saved because of this group. You should be so proud of yourself for not giving up. Great job. I will keep you in my prayers.

Ashley said...

Hey! I just wanted to say that I think this group is going to be pretty amazing and its really going to impact our school. It's really cool that you listened to God and followed through with this, that makes me smile:)

Ashley said...

PS so whens this make a blog for ashley week coming?