Thursday, October 06, 2005

Template change

LOOK AT MY NEW TEMPLATE I MADE... well some what.

Anyway, God gave me something to tell people about but I'm saving it for sunday's bible study.



Anonymous said...

D, CSS??? Whats wrong with you? Man you ruled as king of unix source. Yeah I'll give you the benefit that the server wouldn't run it to justice but still.

Passionate about Jesus? All I got to say is, finally. Seriously man, you've been preeching to me about all this time and not been following through 100%? Yet you call others hypocrites... man... well at least your changing, hey buddy Jeffery is out of the hospital, thanks for carrying him on that broken leg that day, I owe you big time. He doesn't remember much but he says thanks.

You still getting a PSP?

If you need a working server use mine at xmission you know what it is.


See you in 26 days.

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

I got a psp actually Deke....

Got burnout like you said I would. MHP in november though. I need to turn it into my bible though.

Ya, I'll see you in the coming days. Jeff doing good? Great to hear, but remember what I told you about his "walks" he goes on... ya, you should go with him on them.

Anyway, say hello to Claire for me.

Vanessa says you went and saw her recently, what were you doing in phoniex, I'll be on AIM today at like 3 am if you need to talk, if not, drop me a line.
