Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My Crazy week of stuff.

So lets see how can I depicted what happened this week?
I know, I'll draw up my week in paint.

Oh this might take a while though.

Coming back from XLR:8

My new passion for God

Challenging my evil twin to Mortal Kombat

Talking to my counsoller about the lunch dealy

Yes, yes, I challenged him to Mortal Kombat as well

Getting my PSP

I thought it was a giant fighting robot, I feel deceived

Finally me getting a haircut.

And that was basically my week...

Any questions?

No, great, so we've decided that next week you will all write a blog about me.


And just for those who liked that song Karyn played as the dedication song...

Here it is

Alternative Link

Back to homework I go.


Christine said...

noo these dont work either :(

Karyn Baker said...

Ze link - eet ees not vorkeenk....
Hey - very cool way to tell us how your week went, Brent. :) Very creative - you have lots of skills.

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

I've been programming for more than half my life, what would you expect. And I'll look at the links.

PS to KARYN: I didn't think it was possible to have an accent on a comment page.


Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

Umm the links work for me... you should try again.


If not, then I have no clue, I'll try on my other comp later.

I need to work on the website.

I'm going to post an update about it on this blog soon. Actually, when I finish this comment.

Christine said...

now it works.. oh and Bakes, nice accent LOL

Christine said...

i liked Karyn's version better but its still a great song! :D I always love it better when Karyn sings it :)

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

By the way it can only be downloaded so many times before my bandwidth exceeds. So if it's not working right now for you, wait till tomorrow.
