Thursday, October 13, 2005

I had a dream...

Seriously I barely remember my dreams, like ever, most of the time I feel like I don't have dreams, but we all do, it's just some times you don't remember them. Since my memory sucks, you could say, I never dream.

So last night I had this weird, weird dream. I woke up right at the end of it, so maybe that is why I remembered it. But I wrote it down on a piece of paper in case it has any signifigance. I asked God what it meant, but now I forget what he said.

Anyway here is what happened in my dream.

Ok so, I was hanging out at the church for some odd reason, and it was late at night, really, really late. Like 11pm late. Well anyway for some reason me and Karyn were still at the church and she decided to give me a ride home because it was so late ( Which made it seem so realistic because in reality Karyn Baker is not a jerk, so she would do something like that).

Anyway, here is where the weird part comes in. We were standing in the parking lot, and then there was a large rumble from the ground, we thought it was an earthquake, but as we went towards Karyn's car, lava spewed up from the ground, behind her car, not under it, and was making a large hole growing deeper and deeper full of lava, either that or the lava was rising. Anyway, I said lets go, and Karyn was all like " What about my car?", and I said, "Leave it", and Karyn made a big fuss out of letting her car get ruined, but anyway for some reason we decided running along 6th. Eventually we saw Cory, in the middle of the sidewalk and he started running as well, as he saw what followed us. On the way we were warning people, I told people not to freak out, and near the theatre on 6th I said God bless at the end of warning someone, and there was a blind person in the crowd. He asked if I could ask God to heal him. For some odd reason I said reach out and touch me, and he said, ok as long as you keep talking. When he finally touched me I quoted Jesus saying, your faith has healed you. And he was healed by God.

Then I woke up. What a crazy dream. Almost as crazy as the time I was in a heard of sheep and the alpha sheep let me ride him after finding his long lost sister... well thats a whole other blog.


PS. 1 DAY!


Anonymous said...

wow...ho hum erm, ok, last sunday, a lady at the caribou evening service, a lady said that she thought lava represented gods love in her, maybe, gods saying, that you have so much love in you, that you need to let it out and tell the world??, instead of you jumping in karyns car, you ran down the street and told everyone you could about God..because of Gods Love (the lava running after her).

Karyn Baker said...

Ooohh....I like it, Jen. That is a crazy dream, Brent, but it has a flavour of God about it, so I imagine there's something to it. Ask God again what it means and this time, WRITE IT DOWN. :)