Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Website update.

So I told MarcJon we are getting this server ready at the end of October, and he hasn't really done a lot for the forum he tells me. So I'm waiting on him, and IDEAS FROM YOU GUYS!

Sheesh... If no one other than Jen gives me ideas, she is going to win the prize.

Baker... Help... Please.

Well, I either will stick with that red template I was working on if any one of you guys tells me what to name the thing, and gives me some ideas. YES YOU CAN POST THEM ON HERE.

I also have a CSS design in the works, if we don't get a fancy name that has zip to it.

Besides CSS just makes me look so pro, when making a website.

Bah, I thought you guys were excited about this, but from your lack of input, I'm left in the dark about your enthusiam. Seriously the spell check wasn't helping me when my brain went blank on how to spell that.

-Brent ( not happy mind you... *shakes fist*)


Christine said...

i gave u my idea!!!

Christine said...

oh and its enthusiasm :)

Karyn Baker said...

Hey - what kind of ideas are you looking for? I'll give you lots of ideas!

Christine said...

Hey bakes your online. check ur email :)

my ideas:

bible verses on a page that have to do with different situations: anger, depressed, happy, etc etc

pictures of the people at youth group

on the front page of the website maybe could be a pic of the church building or a group photo of the youth group

photos photos photos!!!


get all the members of the youth group to tell you their testimony or their favorite verse (that describes their life maybe)

there enough ideas for ya?? :)

Anonymous said...

Where is your website? I offer my support in whatever you do. I offer this scripture as well.

Trust me it will never become worn out in the giving or blogging.

I love you Man, and more than that I love that we can share in the joy that our Sovereing Lord and Saviour loves us more than we can loe each other.

In His name I offer you this scripture. Email me and tell me more about your site, your ideas.

I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong - that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each others faith
Romans 1:11

Blessing in Christ Jesus brother,


Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

Karyn they can be names for the website, and or ideas of what should go on the website, like Christine gave.

You only get a prize for the name, sorry, but seriosly, only Jen gave me some ideas, and well, lets say I'm waiting for others to come in.


PS. Micheal thanks, but you can sign in as Other, and give yourself a name, that way I don't think your some random stranger stalking me.

Karyn thanks for lunch, I owe ya...


Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...


Christine said...

ok heres some name ideas :

First Fruits
Teen Crusade
Teen Crusade for Christ
Teens on a Mission

ill think of more and let you know

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...


Karyn Baker said...

Hmmm...just saw these comments now....OK, well, Christine took some of the best ideas I had....scripture verses to help in certain situations and personal testimonies were my top two. Names? Ooh, I'm not very good at that - let's ask my Mom - she rocks at it.

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

Alrighty... but hurry up, b/c if not I'm going with teh back up name, and the site is going to be up hopefully at the end of october.

The forums... I doubt it, Marcjon has been super busy.
