Sunday, October 02, 2005


MAN wow, just wow, XLR:8 just changed my life so much. Man I can't believe how unfaithful and blind I have been, I finally talked to god just a few minutes ago, and man I mean literally, faithfully, honestly did it, I don't mean I prayed to god for someone else, I mean I just layed everything out to god and I feel so JOYFUL!

MAN I'm just so happy typing is taking away the fun but I have to type faster in order to get back to just jumping up and down for god.

I mean GoD showed me today so clearly what I have to put in progress at my school.

God wants me to start a lunch youth gathering to bring god praise, and to just be yourself, I find it SO HARD to worship and just like honestly be FOR GOD at school. I'm going to go talk with my counsoller about this, and Karyn we need to talk badly about this. I want this to be awesome, I want this thing to get Christians at are school, to stop hiding it, like you may say your a christian but I've just noticed that it is like almost never followed through via actions of honestly praise to God. I don't see the body of christ getting together at school and worshipping and talking about god, and talking even making an impact on the school. But this is going to change, God is giving me a plan, and I am going to do it no matter what. Tomorrow I'm also going around to every Christian I know at my school and telling them about this, and I just want to get this started.

Like God just gave me this vision of a bunch of us just worshipping God through music, and people outside of the room, are like "Hey that sounds cool, hey Mike wanna go check out that Christian Club thing?", "Eh, I guess so, if it has music as cool as that it can't be as boring as I thought I'd be"

I just want to get this done for God. I thought I'd just get your thoughts about this, and get my joy out and tell you all without calling Karyn and like panting while trying to tell her all this and how HAPPY i am!






Karyn Baker said...

Brent, I'm completely STOKED about this blog!! Both because of what's happening inside of you and also how that's playing out in your desires for your school! Go for it! Remember to listen for God's move in everything - He'll give you all the strategy and wisdom you will ever need. Right on!!!

Ginger Ale said...

NICE!! WOW!! TOTALLY AWESOME!! Great blog Bent!

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

Baker, can I come visit you at lunch tomorrow? Or are you busy, I have news, I saw my counsoller today and he has to talk to the adminstration about this, I don't really want a segregated group of where you have to be a christian, but I also want to have this just focused on God alone. I tried telling my counsoller this, but he didn't understand, he was very understanding with the fact that I told him God himself told me to do this so there is always hope, and I will keep trying even if I fail, I will try to get this thing started, I talked alot to my friends today about it, and even ones on the edge of excepting God, and they said it sounded really cool. The first week will be bathed in prayer, and it will pretty much be just people who want to see this effect others, the rest of it will be a sort of youth together thing, where we worship, discuss, ask questions, all about God. I just want to get rid of some of the rumors and misconceptions about God out there, that people don't understand, and make it safe for everyone.

Oh and yes there will be prayer, lots of it, I think I meantioned earlier about it being bathed in prayer. It has to be for it to earnstly bring God praise.

Ashley said...

Brent I think its absolutely amazing what you're doing. I think its absolutely amazing that you sat and talked to God. I think its absolutely amazing that this weekend caused a revelation inside of you. I think its absolutely amazing that you're absolutely amazing.