Monday, February 13, 2006

The Chase Chapter Eleven: Holiness in body and mind

They really could've put 10 and 11 together to state two points in one chapter, but whatever.

Basically the key to this chapter is this, watch what you let your body absorb.

What I mean by that is;

When was the last time you watched TV? What show did you watch?

Was there, violence, swearing, anything that could lead you to sin or others to sin?

I'm not saying avoid TV altogether, but I am saying we have to learn to control our sinful desires, in fact for the little time me and Cory learnt about disciplines, I learnt that abstinece isn't getting rid of something altogether, it's learning to control your urges to do it or not.

Also we learnt that we have to be in the world and not of it. See I assumed the best way to live a christian life, was to remove everything that caused me to sin in my life. But I closed doors to friends, stop watching TV, stopped going on the internet, etc. What I learnt was I wasn't stopping sinning, I was just stopping all social activity in my life. We have to stay in today's culture if we want to help them see Jesus.

Anyways that is what the chapter sorta touches on, watching what you allow yourself to be influenced by;

if that means abstaing from it, then go for it.

Anyway, at the end of the chapter is the best part for me.

What should we do instead? Read the word, I love it, that is what disciplines are about, not just getting rid of an old habit, but replacing it with a new, God first one.


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